Enough is enough no more silence it's time to stop the rapes

In spite of the knowledge that humankind has about the consequences of harassment and violence, they are serious and leave lasting marks, especially on girls, who stay away from school because they feel insecure.

This perverse side of raping children is not properly attacked because society is usually indifferent to abuse and violence, but it is time not to tolerate that women and girls in the world live in fear of being assaulted, to denounce or to the reactions in their immediate environment after the aggressions.

Enough, that is what we have to say, today and every day, to all forms of violence against women and girls, enough to domestic violence, enough to rape, enough to harmful practices such as female genital mutilation.

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And I say enough is enough, as a weapon to confront this terrible reality that affects millions of children and women around the world psychologically.

NO more silence, we must denounce anywhere in the world the lack of effective and timely mechanisms to prevent and punish such acts and the systematic cover-up and impunity of these violations in the administrative and judicial spheres.

By @glassblock

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