Espejo roto (Broken mirror) | Poema.

Impenetrable, imperturbable, irreparable.
Nada que pueda lastimarte,
o dañarte.
Ya no puedes levantarte,
no sabes siquiera cómo aclararte.
Ninguna lágrima podría ablandarte.

Lleno de egoísmo
te aíslas dentro de ese abismo
pero, amor mío, ya nada es lo mismo.
Al parecer ya no vamos
por el mismo camino.

Tal vez estemos a tiempo,
tal vez todavía podemos con esto.
Si todavía hay amor
detrás de todo lo que no hemos resuelto.
Amor para los dos
que no nos pese, ni nos duela.
No creo que esté todo muerto.

Quisiera ver a través de ti,
leer tu mente
o aprender a escucharme a mí.
Quizás debo irme de aquí.

Me enredé tanto en las excusas,
me creí todas las mentiras,
me enamoré de las palabras
y jamás vi el final
tan cercano como ahora.
Rodeada de reflejos,
en esta relación de espejo.


Impenetrable, imperturbable, irreparable.
Nothing that can hurt,
or damage you.
You can't get up anymore,
you don't even know how to clear yourself up.
No tear could soften you.

Full of selfishness
you isolate yourself within that abyss
but, my love, nothing is the same anymore.
Apparently we are no longer
on the same path.

Maybe we're on time,
maybe we can still handle this.
If there is still love
behind everything we haven't resolved.
Love for both of us
that doesn't weigh us down or hurt us.
I don't think it's all dead.

I would like to see through you,
read your mind
or learn to listen to me.
Maybe I should get out of here.

I got so caught up in the excuses,
I believed all the lies,
I fell in love with the words
and I never saw the end
as close as now.
Surrounded by reflections,
in this mirror relationship.

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