Can artificial intelligence interpret emotions?

This is a very exciting topic that many scientists have already tried to solve. I’m not a scientist, I’ll just tell you how I feel. It is so certain that computer-controlled machines and robots are incapable of real feelings, emotions, because they do not have the soul essence that we have in us. It will not be because man cannot produce souls. Although artificial intelligence is similar to us humans, in that it is able to imitate, learn, and even give instructions, it does not do so on its own, but calculates it from the data fed into it.

It can even drive a car, clean it, diagnose a disease and prescribe medication, but it won’t make the world any better. It can also write poems, compose music and paint, create false but very lifelike faces but somehow we feel like that’s not real. It’s just a copy, or it’s not, it’s rather something eerily similar. It is often bizarre, dreamlike.
There are now a lot of online and offline artificial intelligence programs like DeepDream, Dream by Wombo, ArtBreeder, fractal generators and so on. I tried these, with great enthusiasm at first, and then I stopped playing very quickly. It was a good experience, maybe it inspired me a little bit, but not enough to call it art. I have to add myself, otherwise it will remain a soulless mass product.

I was experimenting with Wombo today. All you have to do is type in words, anything up to 100 characters, and the result is most often a bizarre image.
I came up with an idea: What if I type words about emotions?
For simplicity, I used the same style.

I apologize for the obscenity, it is not for you.

Behold, an ugly and perverted face, his/her eyes radiate hatred.


Giant monsters in the sky, and some tiny people down, on the water. They are really horrified!


A human figure in the room with his/her head bowed, very unhappy.


Then here are the positive emotions!

Physical proximity, hugging. Well, love should be so much more than that!


It was as if they were dancing in a nightclub lit by artificial lights. Not lifelike.


The calm and serenity is not complete, I feel some tension in it. The top third of the picture is OK, but there's a problem with it below.


All the pictures were created with Wombo, an online AI software. But I typed the words.
Fortunately, AI cannot hold copyright, only those who are human.

See this article!

Some people may have said I was too strict, but I would definitely say artificial intelligence failed in this case. He expressed negative emotions quite well, but not positive ones. Bizarre, surreal things do not really evoke positive feelings in a person. Why? Because in this case, harmony would be the main feature of the picture. What kind of harmony? A beautiful, symmetrical face, glitter in the eyes, smile are not enough. The AI can do that too, but there will never be anything but a fake copy!

We are making a big mistake in allowing room for the widespread of artificial intelligence. Not to mention transhumanism!
Of course, it cannot be said that everything is dark and evil, its benefits can be used, but in a reasonable and moderate way. AI may recognize the basic emotion from millions of images and sound samples, words, but it will never be able to do real emotions with its artificial brain, without heart and soul.

What to do with these pictures? Always add something of your own. It's just a spectacular tool! Open the AI images on your computer, grab a piece of paper and pencil,then draw, paint, make sketches based on those images, and fill them with soul. Give them live faces, emotions, thoughts. Of course you can create digital art collages of them as well.

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