(Esp/Eng) Firma de mi Titulo universitario/ Signature of my university degree

La firma del titulo universitario no es cualquier cosa, es algo especial porque es una huella de algun docente plasmado en el pergamino mas importante para un profesional.

The signature of the university degree is not just anything, it is something special because it is a trace of some teacher embodied in the most important parchment for a professional.

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Y a su vez de una huella en tu titulo es ese docente que ademas de su enseñanza, vocacion, inteligencia, entrega profesional hace empatia con sus alumnos, son como unos pequeños padrinos y solo se debe escoger 2.

And in turn, an imprint on your degree is that teacher who in addition to his teaching, vocation, intelligence, professional dedication, empathizes with his students, they are like little godparents and you only have to choose 2.

Yo escogi a dos grandes profesionales de la medicina: La primera fue mi docente de semiologia en 6to semestre de la carrera, una gran INTERNISTA, totalmente UCLAISTA ( Formada en mi Alma Mater) no solo fue mi docente si no que se convirtio en mi doctora personal y ambos ambitos es excelente. Tenia mucho tiempo sin verla, casi el covid nos separa porque antes de la pandemia ella iba a viajar y eso me tenia triste porque la habia escogido para firmar mi titulo desde hace mucho tiempo y como ella no hay dos. Al final gracias a Dios si pudo firmar mi titulo y apesar de la pandemia nos dimos un gran abrazo.

I chose two great medical professionals: The first was my semiology teacher in the 6th semester of the degree, a great INTERNIST, totally UCLAISTA (Formed in my Alma Mater), she was not only my teacher but also became my doctor. staff and both areas is excellent. I had not seen her for a long time, almost the covid separates us because before the pandemic she was going to travel and that made me sad because I had chosen her to sign my title for a long time and since there are not two. In the end, thank God if he could sign my title and despite the pandemic we gave each other a big hug.

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El segundo fue mi docente de cirugia general, en 8vo semestre de mi carrera, desde antes de comenzar la carrera de medicina me encantaba la cirugia general y al llegar a ese semestre y comenzar esa pasantia con tan grandioso docente dije aqui es, ESTO ES LO QUE YO QUIERO SER, una cirujana, el doctor no solo es un cirujano que solo opera, es un gran profesional que vela por el bienestar y beneficio del paciente y lo mejor de él para sus estudiantes ademas de su elocuencia y carisma.

The second was my general surgery teacher, in the 8th semester of my career, since before starting my medical career I loved general surgery and when I got to that semester and started that internship with such a great teacher, I said here it is, THIS IS WHAT I WANT TO BE, a surgeon, the doctor is not only a surgeon who only operates, he is a great professional who looks after the well-being and benefit of the patient and the best of him for his students in addition to his eloquence and great sense of humor.

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A Dios, a ellos y a todos mis docentes universitarios tengo el uno de los titulos más especiales del mundo. De ahi la importancia de formar buenos profesionales que inspiren y motiven a todo aquel estudiante para crecer en este camino llamado vida.

To God, to them and to all my university teachers I have one of the most special titles in the world. Hence the importance of training good professionals who inspire and motivate all those students to grow in this path called life.

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