Social Media Challenge @Erarium | A great battle with the splinter of death, where the resistance of the Haunted Spirit was decisive.

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First of all a big greeting to the beautiful community of Splinterlands in Hive, this time I bring before you a new installment of my incredible Social !Media Challenge¡ which I gladly come delivering week by week for you, this time like the previous one I use in my battle the "Death" splinter which I find incredible.

For this battle I give you the same formation varying this time my card in the last position which is very interesting, also in turn you can evaluate again the function of each card in this one is

Highlights of this battle.



As I explained in previous occasions I have been resuming my participation both in the game (which I am already getting along better) and of course in these incredible challenges. Things to highlight in this battle, the truth is that the battle is not one of the most complex, but you can see the difference in the use of mana, the formation and combination of cards on the battlefield and many other elements that you can appreciate, for example the different strategies and the fact that in my formation which is brutal, the cards attack almost simultaneously eliminating cards faster than my opponent.

My Battle


The most awaited moment arrived, the battle. Initially observing the formation of my opponent, I notice a very clear bad distribution of Mana in the battle, since his choice were very high cost cards, which is wrong because we only have 20 units to choose our cards, according to what I saw in his previous rounds is that he was using melee attack cards totally ignoring the monsters of ranged attack and magic, that's why I decide to deploy a splinter to reduce these attack points to thus soften the blows.

Now entering the choice of cards, I decide on a powerful tank with considerable speed and attack, in turn also with good health points and an ability that allows you to withstand a good amount of rounds, apart from this in second position I attach a "Trap Card", and placing these cards as initial, let's go to the key point, my attack, I chose to choose cards that perform a not very exaggerated damage but if constant, which would be responsible for eliminating the cards of my opponent and in turn a moderately resistant card in last position to prevent enemies with ability "Sneak ", thanks to all this I could run a pretty good battle in which my victory was extremely clear and overwhelming obtaining in turn a great fight to bring to you in this ***"Social Media Challenge. "

Battle Link

My Battle Rules

Mana: 20

Standard: This battle rule is the simplest and most basic of the whole game, where all kinds of abilities and cards can be used.



Zintar Mortalis
Summoner selected for this round for multiple reasons, the first is that as I mentioned before my opponent came from playing games with physical attack cards, therefore comes into play "Zintar Mortalis " a summoner of a fairly low mana cost which being this only 3 points, if it has a great utility, the first is that thanks to its low cost I can use that point of mana to include another monster which in battles with low mana cost can be crucial. The other is its special ability which reduces by -1 point the physical attack of the monsters that are in the enemy ranks, plus its appearance and design is extremely terrifying, a leader of the dead.

Haunted Spirit
Positioned in the important first position, we have this monster which is one of the cards that I like the most for this job, as this strange mass of dark energy has exactly 2 points of melee attack and the same amount in speed, also has a considerable amount of life points being these 8 points totally normal, nothing remarkable for a tank in first position, right? The key of this card is in its ability called "Heal " which heals this beast monstrosity in each round that passes, which makes it more likely to keep a more extensive amount of rounds.

Furious Chicken
By now those who read me may have already noticed that I like to use this card in my battle formations, some will think "That card is useless ", let me tell you that they are wrong because we all know that for 1 point you lose a confrontation and this is precisely what I seek to avoid, since I use cards with low life points relatively after the tank in first position, this angry chicken is in charge of taking at least one hit from the enemy, which if it is 3 points to say something and the card that attacks has 5, in that same round or the next I lose a monster, which the chicken avoids.

Undead Priest
Simply effective, this card in the battlefield for those who do not know it is extremely useful, you will say, it has no attack, defense, or enough life points to resist a confrontation, the special ability it has is the reason for its usefulness in battle, called "Weaken " this reduces the maximum life points of all enemy monsters on the battlefield which makes you have the opportunity to eliminate them faster as the rounds go by.

Skeleton Assassin
Assassin par excellence, is the perfect definition of this skeleton bandit positioned in the fourth position, one of the safest to highlight, with an incredible speed of 3 points and 1 attack point, we use this card to quickly eliminate the enemy ranks, you will say "how?" if it only has 1 point of physical attack, the answer is simple and is called "Sneak " a unique ability which focuses the attack of this skeleton on the enemy with less life points, which makes it excellent to quickly eliminate cards that hinder.

Haunted Spider
Arrived at this fifth position is a terrifying spider, with its fearsome legs and fangs, this attacks at a distance with 2 attack points and the same in speed, in turn this has limited 3 points of life which makes it a fairly easy target to liquidate, but managed to save a tragic fate and touch the victory along with the cards of the formation.

Twisted Jester
Tenebroso arlequin positioned in the last place, being this my sixth and last choice, this clown attacks with considerable two points of damage at distance and a considerable speed of 3 points, what makes this card special is its ability "Snipe " which makes Targets enemy Monsters with Ranged, Magic, or no attack that are not in the first position. It also has a good 5 points of life that for this game was crucial because my opponent's cards had the ability "Sneak " which hits the monsters in the last position, thus being an important element to protect the other cards.



Now focusing directly on the strategy, it worked wonderfully as all my cards fulfilled the promised expectations, therefore this strategy of fast and effective attack with skills that had an effect in the battle worked excellently.

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