How to get yourself to pick up a book

Books are like treasures chests that contain wealth of information within it. I believe every book is meaningful one way or another even baby books. I know there has been a time when we pick up a book intended for kids and while skimming through it we find something we never knew about; that's why I say a book is meaningful one way or another.


My friends are sometimes impressed about how I easily pick up a book to read. And they give various reasons why they find it difficult to pick up a book. Some of the complaints include: books are too voluminous, it is hard to pick a book that is interesting, why should I pick up a book when some of the great books are made into movies, or it is difficult to find where to get hardcover books that I really want. Below I will make a brief list on how to make yourself pick up a book without feeling like it is a chore.

1) Start by reading short stories: Before I began reading large books with 400 pages or more, I used to read short stories or novels that had like 200 pages or less and I could finish them in a day. Aside from the stories been short, they were also interesting to read. If you do this continuously, you will gradually get used to reading a book.

2) Reading what the book entails online: This is for those who have a difficulty in picking the perfect book. Before I read a book, I sometimes go online to read the synopsis and review of the book to see if it is something I would like. For some books, Google gives a preview that you can read and through this , you can decide if you like the book or not with no stress and time-wasting. Two days ago I was torn about reading a book because I have never read a book from the author but I decided to give it a try after reading reviews online and it was one of the best decision I made. The book was easy to read, understand and apply. I will give the name of the book below to anyone who is willing to read it. It is titled The Secret Principles of a Genius by I.C Robledo.


The book is a serious read ( not something I would advise reading for fun) and it is better to read in a quiet environment.

I will stop here for today to prevent my post from been to bulky and causing any form of disinterest. I will create a follow-up the next time I'm free to create a post again.



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