Silk Roses | Painting.


A big greeting, my dear friends of readers and art lovers, after a long pause in my #blog I have returned again, today I want to share a new drawing, which I have done inspired by the beauty of nature, giving it a little touch Personal, also practice recycling giving use to an old frame that was unused, and even rescue it from the garbage hehe !!

I know that despite this year 2020 it has been very hard due to the covid-19 pandemic, we always have to have a positive mind and put our strengths and virtues into practice without anything or anyone stopping us from dreaming big hehe!

Here are some images of the creative process:


Here I have started the outline of the drawing with graphite pencil, then I began to paint it outlining and filling its shape.


At this point I began to give shape to the petals and depth to their shadows.


With the leaves I had to test various shades until the end was what I put in the painting.


In the last touches and perfected some parts of the painting, I put it in a frame.


This is the final result with the frame, it took me 3 days to finish the painting since some shades had not been as expected, I hope you like it. !


  • Eyeliner brush 00 and Angular.
  • Acrylic paints: red, pink, magenta, white, green, carmine, yellow and light blue.
  • Graphite pencil No. 1 and 3.
  • Thread cardboard.
  • Recycled gold frame.

I hope you like it, @ drope96 #Art #Life #SilkRoses

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