We should pay attention to what CA officials in Ventura County are unleashing. Scary


So my good friend Hector sent me the link to a tweet posted by Catherine Austin Fitts.

As he discussed the tweet with me. I felt disgusted, annoyed, disappointed, angry, and sad all at once. I really encourage everyone to look at the tweet, and make your own decision towards it.

It feels like an oxymoron that an American official would ever make an announcement that California Ventura County Health Authorities just made a numbers of days ago. In this announcement the speaker admits that California has been tracking patients, and is now declaring that they will be visiting their homes. Checking to see if they have more then one bathroom.... What?

If they do not have more then one bathroom. The person will not be allowed to isolate in their home.

That's insane.... They can come to your house. Then force you, your wife, your son, etc to leave. He says they we'll have to be quarantined. This is far beyond scary. This is unconstitutional.

We've all seen how government programs are run.
Would you really allow them to isolate a family member, a friend, a fellow citizen.

There have been several articles showing evidence that the numbers were purposely misleading. The president announced that states could begin to open. No matter what your fear level, it would be sin to allow anyone this authority.

I pray people don't allow this to go through. Please stop this. If it's allowed in California, other idiotic governors or mayors will be empowered to do the same...

Catherine Austin Fitts starts the article by reminding us that California had no money for pension plans or health Care. They literally allowed the health care system of the state to dwindle.

While some states have been using hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and other remedies too heal people. Many times resulting in them not having to go to the Emergency Room. Many Doctors around the world are confirming that the data does no qualify the drastic actions being taken.

Yet main stream media continues to push fear, and quote polarized sources. YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook censure, delete, and shadow ban anyone that questions the narrative.

I'm not down playing the virus, or making irrelevant the lives lost. I'm simply saying we need to pay attention to what being done in the midst of the confusion. Never waist a good crisis. Nixon

Please check out her tweet, and watch the video of the press conference. Make your own decisions.


God bless

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