Two-Way Manifestation and Forms Energy.

Good Day everyone, that I got the chance to write about Manifestation, I recently got an insight regarding the art of Manifestation.
In particular the phenomenon of an idea being brought to reality and how this could be possible more efficiently.

There isn't really a wrong way to manifest, however the result, the speed and the efficiency of the process May vary due to a lot of different factors.

I personally think based on observation that Manifestation can be similar to investment and vice versa. Imagine that our current is our attention and how long it can be organically there is like having an organic growth of investments to the point where they produce fruits.

Intuitively I would like to say that there are many factors to that as said.
Nature gives us yet again plenty of examples.

When we plant seeds, sometimes no matter how hard we try to water them and such they may struggle to grow, similarity with ideas, that's because if we desperately throw seeds around, if the ground is not fertile then the seed may never grow.

Intuition Plays a huge role here.
It requires a balance of being calm and acting only when we are called to.
Therefore isn't less any hard work and more about efficient distribution of energy.

You see... we can see that Energy WANTS to transform into as many forms as possible, that being said, the minerals and dirt in the ground I think of as energy and that dirt would love nothing more than to be used (and in turn... Use) the tree as a way to transform into a new form of energy, in this way both benefit.

Thanks for reading thus far 🙏, I hope this idea was a pleasant read and wish you a magnificent rest of the day!😊

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✍️Author(s): DeepSpiral (aka: TwinDenis, TheDenis, Dennis K.)
⚠️Disclaimers: I am not a medical, financial or legal professional advisor, if you need help seek advice from an appropriate professional depending on the case. Materials in this Post can be Opinions and not to be taken as facts unless a relevant source is cited, always do your own research for the topics discussed.
📷Credited Image Sources:
[Image] ( by Dương Trí.
[Image] ( by Emma Gossett.
[Image] ( by Faye Cornish.
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