On The Spot Reward Summary, Week 116


What's the good word, D.Buzz fam?

Ahhh, it's Saturday, the most beloved day of the week. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and we have five amazing posts from our community to highlight. From the depths of the ocean, to the sunset-kissed mountains, to the snow-capped peaks, to the peers of the city, it's been a week full of incredible visuals. Let's take a look at some of the breathtaking photos our community has captured to highlight this week!

To start, let's take a look at a post from @lordavatarii and their fish tank. Fish tanks are like little windows into the life and times of fish, and it's amazing how much we can learn from their lives. We may not know what they are thinking, but we can certainly ponder what they may be pondering. Are they content with their home, or do they yearn for something greater? Do they ever think of faraway places, or do they simply take each moment as it comes? Fishtanks are a reminder to us of the mysteries of the underwater world and of the life that exists right in front of us, yet out of sight.

On the other side of the world, a remarkable architectural feat stands—the 21 Tower in Malaysia. In this post from @reidenling90, we are reminded that this incredible structure stands as a testament to the ingenuity and ambition of those who designed it. At the very top of the tower, you can see the sprawling metropolis of Kuala Lumpur, a bustling city filled with the hustle and bustle of modern life. The 21 Tower is a symbol of strength and resilience, a reminder of the immense power of human ambition and creativity.

The snow was like a breath of fresh air for @sandralopes, the moment she laid her eyes upon it. Villeneuve-sur-Yonne, France, as it was a picturesque backdrop, with the snow draping like a blanket over the landscape. They snapped a photo to capture the moment; although time may pass, the memory of that first contact with the snow we think will always remain in their heart.

Meanwhile, @ansoe had a stunning view to behold as the sun set across the ancient Pone Ta Loke Lake. They snapped a picture of the mesmerizing scene, captivating the beauty of the evening. It was a moment of perfect stillness that @ansoe was lucky enough to witness and capture in a photo. This lake, Pone Ta Loke, was a place of great historical significance, steeped in tales of ancient battles and long-forgotten civilizations.

Lately, @cryptofanph14 has reminded us that when it feels like the world is spinning at a thousand miles an hour, it’s time to take a step back and breathe. When all you need is a moment of peace and clarity, go out and get some fresh air. Whether a brisk walk around the block or sitting on a bench in the park, the great outdoors can provide a much-needed reprieve from our hectic lives. Even just a few minutes of being out in nature can do wonders for your mental and physical well-being. So, take a break from your daily routine and give yourself the gift of peace and fresh air. Thanks for that!

Whatever your new week holds, we hope you have a great time discovering it! Make sure to take some time to appreciate the little moments that come your way. The sun rising in the morning, the smell of freshly brewed coffee, the sound of laughter from loved ones. Even the littlest things can bring a spark of joy to your day. So, take a deep breath, relax and enjoy your weekend!

The sky, so darn cool!

Week #117 (starting 1/16/2023)


Congratulations to all of you - your content and imagery inspire us to post more. Keep being amazing!

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  • Quite simple! Post quality content on D.Buzz. :D

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  • 30-Day Challenge Level I : Go LV 1
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  • 30-Day challenge Level III : Go LV 3
  • 30-Day challenge Level IV : Go LV 4

What did you discover this week that you liked? Let us know in the comments section below!

And as always, keep on buzzing!

Thanks! As always, thanks for reading and being part of our ever-growing community. D.Buzz is a platform for you, for the community.

- The D.BUZZ


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