Why We Have To Keep Distance From Other People? πŸ‘«πŸ‘¬πŸ‘­



The health authorities are telling us to keep distance away from each other amid this CoViD-19 pandemic in order for us not to catch the virus if one is infected with the Corona virus. It is because they say that the virus comes from most the saliva that is coming out from the mouths when we talk.

We often cannot see those minute sprays and splatters but they are there and they are effective enough to infect people if one carries the virus. But at the two meters is the recommended distance for each other because the spray has a downward trajectory from our mouths.



So it is important to cover our mouths to prevent saliva sprays and splatters and covering even our eyes because the virus can penetrate it and infect us.

For the moment our church also practices the social or physical distancing for us not to infect each other since we are a large group of people. Some church someplace went to infect most of its members because one is already infected. That is how very transmissible that disease was. So people must listen to health authorities, wear face mask, eye protection, cleaning hands with sanitizing liquids, avoid touching things and then touching your face, and keep distance if not to avoid other people completely.



CoViD is a very nasty disease, if we happen to catch it and we get to the hospital, assuming that we get worse and we die that will be the last time we would see our loved ones because at the hospital when we are in our most vulnerable physically and emotionally our families will not be able to see us anymore. And supposed the we die the only chance for our relatives to see us again is when we are already in the form of ashes. They will not even get the chance to grieve for our loss because we go staright to the crematory when we die.

So better safe than sorry, just stay at home and avoid contact with other people as the people are the source of the virus.



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