Applying Logic And Common Sense


Over the last few weeks a couple of house have been broke into in our secure security zoned area. Maybe not so secure after all is what many are thinking and there has been a little panic amongst the community. Security is something I have always taken seriously especially living in South Africa as you would be an idiot not too.

When you look at the facts there is nothing to worry about as the only houses being broken into are numbers 39 and 41 so in other words they are next door neighbors. These houses back onto another house or houses that is not part of the secure zone which is where the problem lies. I have since spoken to number 37 who has had things disappear of his washing line. He lost a pair of trainers a few weeks ago so this is hot some criminal master mind at large here. This is definitely internal and maybe the WhatsApp community group is not the best place to be discussing this anymore. Possibly the criminal element is coming from houses 35 and 43 or their neighbors backing onto them or even possibly within those 3 houses that were robbed.

Where I live I am in the middle section and my house backs onto another house that is in the secure zone so there is no worries. The secure zone does rely on certain houses who are exposed on the back of their properties and they need to make sure they are secure. My first thought was has anyone checked out who is living at the houses who are backing onto houses number 39 and 41 because that would be the obvious place to start. This could be a house in our secure zone neighboring these properties climbing over the side wall and not necessarily the back wall.These properties have cameras on the front of their properties and nothing ever shows up and it won't.

When we lived on the golf course the houses bordering the course were being broke into on a weekly basis except our house which was crime free for all the years we were there. The criminals were not outsiders coming onto the golf course at night, but the caddies who worked there. I know this as I nearly caught the guys who broke into my neighbors house and they were wearing caddie uniforms.

I have heard about stories in the past where crime being committed in gated communities was being done by people living within the community and why I would suggest whoever is breaking in most likely lives at the houses bordering these two properties. Who is going to break into a property and then use that property to gain access to another one behind that because logic would say that is extremely unlikely. This afternoon I will go and recce those properties that are bordering these specific properties in our community to see how secure they are and even if it would be a possibility or not.

I know we are secure in the neighborhood because at night my front door is wide open allowing my puppy guard dog of 70Kg's access to the front garden. He sleeps in the scullery allowing him access to the entire house and back garden in the night which he patrols.

Only know after speaking up on this are they understanding what the problems are and how to fix this. Crime in South Africa is generally bad, but the people committing the crimes are also simple so if you apply simple logic you will normally solve the problem. If you were living in these two properties this should have been your first thought process why am I being broken into and no one else. Have hidden cameras in place and you will solve this very quickly. I would wager money that this is being done by someone living very close by within the vicinity and not someone travelling to the area.

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