The Tipping Point Experiment – First part: The law of the few – Who are my MAVENS?

My name is CROWDPUNK and I will take the HIVE Community on an adventure no one saw coming. It will determine whether the community has the traits, people and determination to actually become relevant or evaporate into oblivion.


The Intention is to revive and engage the HIVE community. Only with the help of a vibrant and committed community will I be able to set new records numbers of:

  • daily active users on HIVE
  • number of followers a single account has on HIVE
  • number of replies to a post
  • number of up-votes
  • number of re-posts

During research it was impossible to find out what the current records are. So I am passing this task onto the community to provide some reliable stats, and data. (Looking your way @arcange)


At the core of the experiment is the book: The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference" by Malcolm Gladwell.

It explores the concept of the tipping point, which refers to the moment when an idea, trend, or social behavior crosses a threshold and spreads rapidly throughout a population.

Gladwell identifies three key factors that contribute to the tipping point:

  • The law of the few (the importance of influencers and connectors),
  • The stickiness factor (the memorable and persuasive nature of the idea)
  • The power of context (the social and environmental factors that influence behavior).

"The Tipping Point" has had a significant impact on our understanding of social dynamics and the spread of ideas.

The law of the few emphasizes that a select group of influential individuals, including MAVENS, connectors, and salespeople, play a disproportionate role in spreading ideas and influencing the behavior of a larger population.

While all 3 of these special individuals, mavens, connectors and salespeople are necessary to establish a trend, the most important one is the maven. A maven is the first one to recognize something significant and important and shares it.

A MAVEN is described as an individual with deep knowledge, expertise, and a passion for sharing information, making them crucial in disseminating and influencing trends and ideas within a social network. Are you a maven?

At the failed WEB3 Berlin conference in June 2023 I met a group of 11 HIVE Community members during dinner. It was noticeable that there was plenty of big mouth talking how great HIVE is. Everyone talking at the same time, while the few listeners were getting a headache from all the noise and left early.

It’s great that HIVE sponsors a race car, and there is HIVE Fest. But can you put your money where your mouth is and show up when needed? This is what I have come to challenge with the intention to succeed along with you.


  1. The assumption is, that in a group of 11 people promoting HIVE at a conference there has to be at least one maven, or someone who knows a maven. It will only take ONE TRUE MAVEN for this experiment to have an initially ignition! I am tagging everyone I met and talked to personally. @louis88 @starkerz @ssekulji @arcange @detlev @crimsonclad @killerwot
  2. Everyone who reads this, follows me NOW!
  3. After you followed me, you upvote. NOW!
  4. After you upvoted, you repost. NOW!
  5. After you reposted, you comment and tag the ONE person you believe is a maven.

That’s it for now. The next post and steps will come after we find our maven. In case you have been wondering why I do this: Just because I can, and we all have nothing to lose if we try. This one is for you HIVE! Stay tuned and engage. You can also follow me on twitter:

@naymhapz @kimybanez266 @indayclara @intoy.bugoy

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