HIVE - No stopping!

Exciting new news for HIVE!

HIVE on CoinMarketCap


After listing on Coingeko, it is important that HIVE is present on all platforms dedicated to cryptocurrencies and is now also present on CMC. Thanks to @theycallmedan, yesterday the request was sent to the reference platform for crypto markets and today they started to insert some data. CMC employees have yet to finish some updates but the first data are already present. Excellent news!

The wallet on is active


The team that is working on the interface has made the visualization of the portfolio work directly from and it is possible to view the amount of HIVE, HP and HDB. I am testing the conversion of HDB to HIVE, which took about 3 days.

HIVE Dapps is live!


Thanks to the valuable contribution of @therealwolf, by now we can look in detail at all the Dapp currently existing on our blockchain. I am not surprised that @peakd is in first place right now but in the future, followed by and @esteemapp which recently launched the Desktop App also for HIVE! New Dapps, in addition to the existing ones, will develop in the next weeks and the list will increase exponentially!

Every day, new announcements!

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