High Honor


You are knocking the external doors over and over, until in this age your time is over
But don't forget that your inner temple try to connect with you over and over, don't wait until the time is over
Pay attention to your consciousness which knows something is there which is in the state of unseen, unknown
Invest your attention on your well being, it's not selfish thing.

Respect your hard journey, always happiness is not the actual key
Truth sees you all the time like untouched guide, you have to stay by your side
When things go other side, don't leave your side
You need yourself more than others, self realisation really matters.

Sit silently and take a new birth, confident birth
Truth is overwhelming, i know your inner being keep asking
You deserve your credit in this collective spiritual battle, remember to calmly settle
Roads takes turn, sometimes our path gets burn.

Your good deeds will strengthen your high dignity, our course of actions are our immunity
When you see yourself in the mirror, never see yourself as a banker
Don't see towards worldly distinction, find the common ground and common definition
No one can alter, your high honor.

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"This is my original and opinionated work".

(Pictures are used from the Pixabay and edited with the Canva application).

Thanks and regards,
Chiranjeevi Sarikonda
(Spread Love, Spread Kindness)
Stay Blessed


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