Nigeria the giant of Africa is a land filled with abundant blessings, before the colonization by the British Empire, Nigeria solemnly depended on agriculture to survive, and rearing cattle, farming crops, and the rest, and the country’s economy were stable. But in 1956 when crude was discovered the angle at which survival was based on changes, then they see that one can make much money from crude than farming, Nigeria fought earnestly for independence, and in 1960 they got their independence, the land is filled with opportunities ranging from agriculture to petroleum product, what happen to be a blessing to the country becomes our greatest curse, below is the list of Nigeria gift which is also our curse.
• Discovering crude oil
• Adaptation
• Religion
Discovering crude oil
Before crude was discovered in Nigeria, the country’s sources of income were dependent on agriculture, and in this period the economy of the state was stable, everyone works hard for survival, farming different types of crops, doing trade by the batter, life was so simple and ok until the crude was discovered in 1956 at olobiri Bayelsa state by the shell –BP, and it first production, stream 5100bpd at the first phase of drilling everything was ok the economy of the country was still stable, then naira has value more than a dollar which is in the early 70s and 80s naira to the dollar was 90kobo to $1, but the government and people in power become greedy, finding ways to enrich themselves, and the fastest way of doing that was the petroleum product, the discovering of crude open eyes to a new era where one work easily and earn more, so Nigeria divert from the source of income which is the foundation at which the country started, for petroleum
which is fast and easy money.

Adaptation is also one of our problems in Nigeria, Nigeria is a place where everyone accepts everything the way it comes, anything that happens we get used to it easily, and that is why a Nigerian can survive in any country he found himself. They are this saying that ‘ if u can survive in Nigeria u can survive in any part of the world, fuel was increase from N75, N95,N120, N145 and now is N165 no one is talking anything about it, a beg of rice was sold for N7500 in 2015 but now beg of rice is sold for N24000 and we are ok with it, youth became feed up and arouse, the 2020 ENDSARS started, initially was to end SARS harassment, but when it became more serious the objective amplifier from not just ENDSARS harassment but to change bad governance in Nigeria, government promise to come to the terms with the youth, but everything remains the same and we have gotten used to hardship that we do not even know that we are suffering, adaptation that suppose to be some good has become a curse in my country.

Religion is another factor that was a blessing to Africa and Nigeria and it seems to be dragging us back, Christianity was brought to us by the west, but when we Africa receive it we dwell so much on it, that we based all our life on it, Nigeria dwell so much on god that we sometimes don’t go out to work believing that all our prayers can be solve if only we pray, not working forgetting that the people that brought Christianity to us pray and also work, the American today progress not just by praying but by putting in work, and Africans are lagging behind because we only pray but not put in work.

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