Unlocking the Secrets of Quality Sleep: A Personal Journey

Although sleep is very important for everyone, some people get good sleep by sleeping only for a few hours a day and some do not get much sleep by sleeping for 10 hours or more. What experts say about sleep is that sleep should be of quality, not quantity. It does not matter how many hours you sleep, it matters how you get sleep. Suppose you go to sleep at 10:00 at night and you wake up at 6:00 in the morning, then you are getting approximately 8 hours of sleep and there is another person who sleeps at midnight and wakes up at 6:00 in the morning but he/she is very active and does exercise after getting up in the morning. And also participates in other things. And the person who has to wake up at 6:00 in the morning, while he goes to sleep at 8:00 in the night, remains isolated throughout the day, there is no benefit of 2 hours to him, he is just giving rest to his body, he does not need any I agree that it will not be beneficial, I am no expert, but as per my experience, I am sharing my thoughts about it.


Sometimes you may have felt that whenever you travel or come back from somewhere or are busy all day at a party, you feel very tired and this condition lasts for a few days if you ever wake up at night. If you go then its effect is visible for a day or two. Sometimes we get a good sleep within a few hours, like sometimes when we work in the office during the day, we need to take a power nap and after that, we feel so half refreshed, what can I say? It often happens to me when I have lunch during the day. I feel a little lazy after that, even if it is just a little or a big one, so why not take a 10-minute sleep (power nap)? If you get that, then you feel much better after that. Does this happen to you too?

By the way, if you research sleep, you will get to know a lot more, all this is my personal experience, I am not an expert in this, I am just sharing what I am feeling here, I hope that you will like it. Must be able to relate. When we are excited about something then our sleep disappears sometimes no one is going to come to our house or any of our friends and you have to go somewhere, if you are excited about that then you are the first bell of the alarm. I wake up in the morning and feel very active and sometimes it happens that you just keep pressing the snooze button of your mobile and suddenly the time slips. Many experts say to **keep your electronic devices a few hours ago before you go to sleep. (I think this doesn't apply to everyone xd.) People told me to stay away from it but to tell you the truth, I don't do that because I bring my phone to bed and sometimes I fall asleep after watching something. Sometimes listening to something. Does this happen to you too or are you able to keep yourself away from electronic devices?

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Everything has its advantages and disadvantages, sleeping too much is also harmful and sleeping too little, everything has its benefits and de-benefits. You can search the internet for details about this thing or you can contact any topic. Many people need sleeping pills even to sleep at night because they cannot survive without them. You can say that his body has now become such that he can sleep without pills. Some people sleep in such a way that they are not aware of what is happening around them and some people's policy is so delicate that even the slightest danger wakes them up. My sleep is in between these two; sometimes I wake up and sometimes I remain asleep without any worries.

But if my schedule is fixed and I know that I have to do something by that time, then I wake up early, otherwise, I have time, I try to wake up around 6:00 and do some household work in the morning and then go to the office. I go and do the same routine throughout the day and then go to bed around midnight every day.

You also need to be happy for a good quality sleep. If you are not mentally happy then there is no guarantee that you will get good sleep because you will spend a lot of time thinking about something and then divert your attention here and there. It becomes very difficult to get back to sleep if for some reason you wake up at night and do not want to look at the phone because once you have used it, it becomes much more difficult to get back to sleep. Do you find yourself lost in the world of using your phone? Do you become more excited because you are releasing documents? Do you find it a little difficult to get back to sleep like this?
Please share what you think about this. I slept at around 2:00 am last night and woke up at 6:00 am today. Today I gained only four hours but I am feeling much better.

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see you in the next post. Keep learning and keep exploring...

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Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because someone has a dream of what you have. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.🙏😀

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