At The Beginning Of The Race. The Marathon Just Began!

Hello, ye lovely Dreemers, Pirate @dreemsteem A.K.A Tiger Lady is at it again, and... You won't believe it, but it is believable. She has some incredible things for us this month. After all, seeing is believing, and #Dreemport makes things all believable.

We have moved from countless collaborations with other communities and there are still countless more to go! But, right now, #Hey!HaveYaMet got this collaboration with Dreemport this July and guess what?... It is a freeking #Marathon!


Are you ready for a race? As I have gotten my boot ready, my muscles are ready to flex themselves and I don't feel sick anymore. Unbelievable!!! But, I tell ya, Dreemport has a way of making things believable.

This week marks the beginning of the race and my Teem and I are ready to move.

Say A Big Hello To Teem...


But, wait, what do you think JARB means?

According To Urban Dictionary;
A phrase meaning "the utmost in greatness". Similar to "bees knees". Often referring to an incident or spectacle that includes a large amount of bravery or courage.

Yeah, check out the meaning and get swoon as we are all for greatness. Hehe, I get to brag. It hasn't been easy getting this amazing teem together to create such incredible things we have created and more of the things I know we will create.

The Teem JARB consists of two coaches and two newbies, and we are here to have fun, learn, and race!!!

Let's Meet The Teem Members.

Team JARB presents;

@julti1985 -Newbie
@amiegeoffrey -Coach
@rukkie -Newbie
@balikis95 -Coach

And, we have an acronym made from our names.
•J- Jolly
•A- Amazing
•R- Realest
•B- Babes.

Jolly, Amazing, Realest, Babes.

With our motto as...

One Teem, One Dreem.

And we are ready to accomplish as much as we can in this race.

The Accomplishment?

We all wish to accomplish one thing or the other and to tell ya! It is all about Hive. Can't blame us, we are just loving Hive more and can't get enough of it. Can ya?

I am also using this medium to learn more about the usage of front ends and styles. Also, how to help newbie power up on #PowerUpDay hosted by @hivebuzz and @traciyork.

But, is that all... Nah! I am up for fun and any challenge Pirate Dreem will bring to the big table.

Now, A Leettle Beet About Meeself.

What To Know About Mee.

Hehe... There are lots of things on the big table, some of which you've all known.

I am Balikis Omotola with the Hive username @balikis95. I have been here for more than a year though I am still a newbie in some aspects as we all know... We can't know it all!

Hive is broad no doubt with countless communities and I haven't gotten the hang of them all. This is why I am up for this challenge to learn more.

Also, I am a Hivian, Dreemer, Writer, Fun-lover, Poet, Book-lover, Foodie, Money-lover, Work-alcoholic(Work drunk), Music-lover, and more than you and I could ever imagine as I know I still have more superpower in me to let out and I will.

Without further ado, let's move to the banner creation.

Teem JARB Banner.

My teem and I came together and created an awesome, uniquely made, and greatness-filled banner and... I am super loving it.


Seeing this banner will surely make you feel whole and it will fill the space you never knew existed in you. Take this from Teem JARB and fill your life with greatness and bravery. And, here goes the...


Made With Canva

Awesome! Right? Hehe, I know. Thank ya!

Special thanks to all #Dreemers,
Curators, Staff, and @dreemsteem for moving us to another level. You guys are awesomely made. I love you all.

Right here, I drop my pen to have my knuckles and muscles flexed to another challenge. Let's go!!!

All Gifs used are powered by #Tenor.

Still yours truly,

Thanks for reading.

Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.

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