Your Suffering and Pain Can Secretly Drag You to Hell, Unless...

When we get emotional and hurt for various reasons, usually we turn to vices and sin instead of God. Have you noticed that? Did you know that's exactly what the devil wants you to do? Oh, you also think that's a load of crap? Well then, if you wait until the end of your life to realize what I just said, it may be too late.

I know you probably don't wanna read about proselytizing shizz. But who's going to tell you all the things you're doing wrong? Do you have friends? If your friends think the same as you, do you think they will tell you what you will be reading here now?

Do you talk to anyone in your family? If not then how will you know about these things? Most definitely if nobody in your family is religious (like mine), you will never hear what God would rather you learn.


Is There a Better Way to Deal With Pain and Suffering?

Perhaps you'll ask me, how else would you get rid of your pain if not through vices? Believe me, I've been there, done that. It's much easier to drown your pain and sorrows with all things in this world rather than face the problems. Unfortunately the troubles in our lives will never leave us if we never face them head on.

I mean, why hurt ourselves more when we're already in pain? That's the opposite of calling on God and praying! We're supposed to seek medicine for any sickness right? And yet we just wanna hurt ourselves even more than before thinking it will stop the pain.


Christian vs. Irreligious Reaction When Faced With Painful and Difficult Situations

Let me share with you the different mindset of someone who is on the road of sanctification vs. a person who doesn't really care much about God or religion. Yes I know, this is the perfect example of the old me versus the new me after I have turned away from a life of sin since last year.

Okay, not all situations are from my experience but I know some people who think of committing and actually do such sins instead of calling on God. Oh just recently, this first situation I will share is what someone online did.

For sure many people can relate with each scenario I will share. These are just sample situations that many of us experience.


āŒ Sinful Thoughts/Actions # 1: Got Dumped or Broken Up With? Get Laid For Any Reason to "Feel so Goooood! Ohhhh..."

āœ… Christian Thoughts/Actions: Thank you Lord for this experience. I offer this pain and suffering to You for various human needs.

See the difference of mindset? Yes most people will say it is but natural to do the sinful acts because plenty of people are doing such. Who cares what we do for pleasure to "get rid" of our pains? Well if you and your family doesn't care, God cares more than anyone in the world! Even our Mama Mary and your own guardian angel cares.

Sexual immorality through just having sex with one or multiple partners whether married or not will not help get rid of your mental and emotional wounds. It will seemingly patch you up but actually you are only covering up a gaping wound and not even trying to close it.

Putting unclean things on a wound will only infect it. That's what more sin does to our spirit. Sinful actions, despite making us "feel good" actually brings us closer to hell. Oh of course you don't care about what you're reading now. Sounds absurd but when you call on God instead of doing sinful things you will realize the truth.

A message from Heaven back in 1917. | (image source)

In this case, Jesus is the disinfectant and medicine, the healer of our wounds. The Holy Trinity can purify us slowly but surely when we finally accept the Lord in our life.

If you think being chaste is hard now, hell and purgatory is harder and more painful than anything in the world. šŸ˜‚ Not even a broken heart or a splitting headache is equivalent to a second in purgatory or much worse in hell. Where's the proof? Read the lives and writings of saints and find out what Jesus and Mama Mary has shared to them.


āŒ Sinful Thoughts/Actions # 2: I HATE MY LIFE! I will just party, smoke, drink alcohol and get high on drugs rather than feel this pain!!!

āœ… Christian Thoughts/Actions: Lord forgive me for my sins. I offer this pain to You for the sake of others.

Ah yes, addiction to various worldly things. Who in the world doesn't turn to alcohol (and cigarettes!) when life gets tough? I've been there too. Feeling numb is better than dealing with the painful reality, right? Oh my old self would definitely agree with such thoughts.

You see when we hate ourselves and others, it means the devil has already trapped us without us being aware of it. I know because as I said, I've been there like many people. I was really down in the dumps, hating myself and my life, cursing other people and God, angry at EVERYTHING! Hahaha. What a foolish person I was.

Fortunately, the Christian mindset is so much better in letting us deal with damaging thoughts and experiences. Know that demons are the personification of hate and they pass such qualities to us when we give in to temptations.

āŒ Sinful Thoughts/Actions # 3: So many problems!!! I will jump off a tall building and end it all!!! Or wait, I have a gun/knife/poison, goodbye world!

āœ… Christian Thoughts/Actions: Lord have mercy on me and my enemies. Forgive us our sins and please give me the strength to take up my crosses in life. Any suffering I experience I offer to You for the conversion of my rude neighbors/bully classmates/abusers, etc.

As I said, our actions usually cause our downfall or success. We all know the many sob stories of people out there.


Worst case scenarios:

  • Gamblers in deep debt will run from their creditors. After selling everything, then being abandoned by their family, some would rather end their life than pay off a humungous amount of money. Who caused such a problem in the first place?
  • A married man finally gets filthy rich. What does he do next? Pays for the company of women, gets involved in extramarital affairs, buys properties left and right. Someone eventually learns of his corporate embezzlement, guy gets fired and gets sued, loses all the money, properties and cars. Wife and family leaves him too. Now he's ashamed because he's all over the news. Of course he then would be found dead somewhere the next day after leaving a farewell note. But hey, what's the reason he did everything he did?
  • A timid girl always gets bullied anywhere she goes. She is afraid to tell anyone about it, nor ask for help, but lets hate builds up inside her. She curses in her mind whenever she sees her enemies. Eventually decides to go on a killing spree one day to get even then ends her life too. Do you think she didn't have any fault at all?

Do I need to write more examples? I mean, come on. We live a life of multiple sins and then complain why we still have problems in life? šŸ˜‚

People in line, waiting for the ongoing mass at Quiapo Church to finish. Took this photo back in early January 2024, during the blessing part at the end of a mass.

Think about this:

  • Normally no child will ever think of wanting to die so why would adults constantly think of ending their own life? That's hate of self which is a demonic influence.
  • The demons will gladly tell us to kill ourselves while we are still very sinful in order for us to go to hell. Do you think thoughts of ending your life are initially your own? Hah! No pious Christian in their right minds would ever want to die especially when not in a state of grace!
  • If you hate others it also means you hate yourself. The devil succeeds whenever people freely choose not to forgive anyone until death, including our own selves. This is one of the reasons people end up in hell or purgatory.

Again, the goal of the devil is to cause more people to not enter Heaven. Why? Because misery loves company. Demons can never change back to being angels because they choose to disobey God forever and ever. Thus they want all of God's creation to burn in hell with them. Just ask any Catholic exorcist priest.


What Now?

The good news is, we can all change simply by calling on God for help. We can also ask the assistance of Mama Mary, the angels and the saints! As long as we decide to change our ways and return to God's flock by being repentant, surely we will be on the narrow road to Heaven soon enough.

In short, the best thing to do is to always put God first in everything. Not always easy to do but keep praying and always be in a constant state of grace! Meaning, (1) confess your sins frequently after a thorough examination of conscience, (2) never miss Sunday mass and Holy Days of Obligation, and (3) do daily prayers like rosary, angelus, etc.

Things happen because of human free will and it's up to us how we can better deal with life. One of the better things to do while in a state of grace is to offer up our sufferings to the Lord. More info in my previous posts:

So, now you know what to do too! You're more fortunate than me. Nobody ever told me such things, ever. Had to learn these on my own, thanks to the many priests and Catholic articles online from reputable sources. Glory to God in the highest!


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