Power Up and Thinking Long Term for HIVE

Power Up and Thinking Long Term for HIVE

Hello friends I've been comparing prices for a while and debating whether to buy a hive or not, but today I realized that with the few dollars I earned here if I pull and use it, it is very difficult to have a successful and powerful account on HIVE.

I made a small powerup especially because of the increase in HIVE during the day and looking a little more positive for the future, and I think I will do powerups for a while.

Maybe it does not have a big impact on the community, but for me, it's a significant amount of money because of the high dollar value in my country. And I made the final decision to make a power-up because I think of it as an investment for the future.

I'm thinking of doing powerups a few more times this year, maybe I can continuously convert small earnings into powerups.

My fiancée has been using HIVE for a while now and I came to this platform because of her. I can say that what I am earning here now is because she introduced me to this platform. Even when I first started, I ran out of RCs because I was commenting too much and trying to meet people. She delegated me some power.

Anyway... I have some goals for HIVE this year.

Some of My Goals

  • I plan to keep what I earn here in this community again. I don't plan to withdraw until I have a few thousand HIVE.
  • I plan to power up what I earn until next summer.
  • If I have some small revenue from other things in my life, I plan to invest the rest as HIVE.
  • Since I know that the money I would earn from here would not be enough, I am thinking of investing some of the money I have earned after February. So I hope to have a snowball effect.

That's all I have to say for now. I hope that in the long run, I will be able to continue my writing in a stress-free and calm way, making small investments, and in the meantime, I will be supporting other friends.
I think thinking of HIVE as an investment that will bear fruit after a long time instead of thinking of it as an additional monthly income will allow me to write more comfortably and with higher quality content.

Thank you very much for reading.

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