The Little Lion Named Covid

On the first day of every year, the clinic is a little bit deserted, this happens because a lot of money has been spent on the holidays, and in addition to that, the state has re-imposed the curfew. However, I was pleasantly surprised that one of the vet assistants brought along a little kitten that he wants to give up for adoption. Many times we manage to get a home for them, although this can take from several days to weeks, so while this is happening the cat has to stay in one of the little cages.

However, since it was such a quiet afternoon with no patients, I decided to take him out of the cage to play a bit with him (with the vet's permission)

Cómo todos los primeros días de cada año la clínica está un poco deshabitada de pacientes, debido a que gran parte del dinero las personas lo han gastado en las fiestas decembrinas, y sumado a esto el estado ha vuelto a imponer la cuarentena radical. Sin embargo, me conseguí con la grata sorpresa de que uno de los auxiliares veterinarios trajo consigo un gatito de unos pocos meses de edad, el cual quiere dar en adopción. Muchas veces se logra conseguirles un hogar, aunque esto puede tardar de varios días a semanas, así que mientras esto ocurre el gato se tiene que quedar en una de las jaulitas de hospedaje.

Sin embargo, al ser una tarde tan tranquila y sin clientes, decidí sacarlo un ratico de la jaula para jugar un poco con él (con el permiso del veterinario).

His name is Covid (for now). Yes, I know what you're thinking but it wasn't me who gave him that name lol.

He is a very curious kitten but at the same time a little fearful, the only thing he wanted to do was to lie on my back and stick his little claws in my uniform to avoid falling.

Por los momentos su nombre es Covid. Sí, se lo que están pensando pero no fui yo quien le puso ese nombre jaja.

El es un gatito muy curioso pero a la vez algo miedoso, lo único que quería era estar acostado sobre mi espalda y al mismo tiempo clavar sus pequeñas garras en mi uniforme para evitar caerse.

it's a little sad to know that not many animals are lucky enough to be rescued, but Covid, with a little bit of affection I know that he would be adopted.

Genera un poco de nostalgia saber que no muchos animalitos tienen la suerte de ser rescatados, pero Covid, con un poco de cariño sé que se va a poner bien bonito para ser adoptado ¡Solo queda esperar!

Covid says goodbye!

¡Covid se despide!

Truly, nowadays not everyone can take care of an animal (at least here), but adopting them is a commitment that must be maintained throughout their lives and abandoning them is not an option. Let's hope Covid gets a good family who loves him very much.

and change his name! please!

De verdad que hoy en día no cualquiera se puede hacer cargo de un animal, pero el adoptarlos es un compromiso que debe mantenerse durante toda su vida y el abandonarlos no es una opción. Esperemos que Covid consiga una buena familia que lo quiera y ¡Que le cambie el nombre porfavor!

The poster and separators were made with Canva and
All the images were taken by the student and autor @antoniojoseha
Twitter and Instagram Icons were designed by Pixel perfect from

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