Take a valuable lesson from an inanimate object such as the pillow.


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Have you ever thought about how loyal and real your pillow is? My perspective will wow you.

It feels your heartbeat when your heart is aching, it absorbs your tears when you're hurting, it hears your silent prayers about things you'll probably not share with the world and it still never complains neither does it shares your pain with someone else. It is indeed loyal!

It sees your weakness and still sticks around and never judge you for expressing your pain the way you choose to. It'd rather give you a hug πŸ€—when you're at your lowest and say..


P- lease, pick me up
I- am here for you
L- ay your head on my chest and
L- eave your pain here with me
O- verwhelmed! I sure know how you feel but trust me
W- e will conquer this together.

We mostly remember our pillows when we are at our lowest yet, it never says "You only want me when you need me". It doesn't get tired of us, it still feels soft to soothe and comfort us.

It finally says to us "you've had a long a d tiring day, please lay your head, close your eyes and get some rest, I assure you we will conquer this together because *"Joy comes in the morning". *

When we feel better, we most times neglects our pillow, however, we are sure we can always count on it.

If people could take a lesson from the pillow, that their experience in life shouldn't change how they are wired, even in their hurtful experiences they can still draw the strength to keep pushing, keep being kinder and stronger just like the pillow, it absorbs so many tears and bitterness yet it still comfort and soothe them. 😌

Another lesson from the pillow is that, we shouldn't judge people when they express the pain in their heart in whatever way they choose to.

Additionally, our circumstances doesn't define who we are. The pillow doesn't remember wet forever, neither does it become hard, it dries up and remains soft.


Do you leave people better than you find them? πŸ’­ Comfort them with soothing words and a sincere hug will also go a long way, remember, you never leave your pillow until you feel better.

When people remember you only at their lowest, it is because they trust you to comfort them, comfort them anyways. The only time we lay our head on our pillow is when we are sleepy, tired or broken. It comforts you anyways. πŸ€—

When people share their confidential matter to you, do not disclose it to others. The pillow never shares your lowest, darkest and deepest fears or secret to the world. Never take advantage of people's vulnerability.

Always remember that after the rain, the sun will shine. This means that, though you're faced with terrible situations at the moment, all hope is not lost because things will get better. Get up! Win! Have this great urge to be successful, the best revenge to pain is success! Learn to absorb pain and hurtful experiences like the pillow, it doesn't wear those sad look on its face. It is always ready to absorb pain . And it reminds you that
" Joy comes in the morning."

When you see an inanimate object next time, stay observant, you can actually learn something from it.

Feel free to buzz me in the comment section, I'd be right there waiting for you. 😘😘

Till we meet again, this is Amie - Geoffrey.
All images used are mine.

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