Youtube has imploded

As you may know, our Hive-Tube streaming and syndication software auto-scrapes Youtube for Creators' content. No reliance on their api whatsoever. Hive-Tube syndicates those videos and podcasts to Hive, the Fediverse (Mastodon, Lemmy, etc), Torrent sites, RSS aggregators and more. Hive-Tube scrapes Creators' content from multiple platforms like Rumble, Bitchute, Odysee, Podbean and others, not just Youtube.

Well, Youtube now REQUIRES you to stay within their walled garden:

[google] "is now aggressively blocking alternate frontends, clients such as yt-dlp, and non-residential IP's." info: 1, 2, 3

YouTube checks your IP and prevents you from downloading youtube content if the front-end UI is run from a Data Center. Youtube now blocks not just single IP addresses, but accounts and entire subnets.

The Youtube lockdown went into overdrive about a month ago and is affecting thousands of front-end UI's that want to make Youtube content accessible from their sites.

By blocking entire subnets, Youtube has essentially made Tor and VPN's (ivpn, mullvad, nordvpn, etc) at the server useless.

So, what is a Creator to do if they want their videos or podcasts to get maximum reach and syndication? Upload to a Hive-Tube powered site host, or host it yourself. Syndication via multiple networks and RSS is the only way forward at this point.

If Creators still want their content hosted on Youtube as well, Youtube does offer a new RSS import feature, but they want you to KYC your face. By sending your biometrics to Youtube, you are legally binding yourself to all kinds of shifty Terms. Here is what the Youtube Studio KYC process looks like:

Submit your audio or video as a "Podcast"

The headless guy says it's for your "safety" of course

Give Google your biometric data, or avoid getting "strikes" and follow their narrative

Youtube's annoying ads, surveys, excessive login prompts, shadow-bans, account bans, demonetization, channel strikes and deletions, narrative pushing and censorship, comment deletions, shifty terms of service, banning of ad-blockers, zero privacy, anti-syndication outside of their walled garden and ever-increasing KYC are the death of Youtube. What other platforms will follow some, or all of those annoyances? Bitchute? Odysee? Rumble?

Host, or get hosted, your videos onto a Hive-Tube powered site. Get the syndication and reach that you deserve. Cross-app, cross-network and RSS is the way forward if you want anyone anywhere to access your content, no matter what you post.

The more they try to control us, the more freedom solutions we create and use. 💪

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