[HIRING] - Now Hiring! We seek an additional Javascript Developer

JS Expert wanted - Vue 3, TS, Angular

Hello again from the merkle tree! 😃

We'd like to hire an additional JavaScript Programmer.

To qualify:

  1. Be an Expert with JavaScript (Nodejs, Vue 3, TypeScript and Angular in particular); your github/gitlab proof (with public email displayed) is required, since we must verify your recent commits spanning the past year.
  2. Experience with Hive Blockchain
  3. Write clean, easy to read, well-commented code with proper var/const naming
  4. You must accept payments every 2 weeks in Monero (XMR) or Bitcoin (BTC)

NOT required, but this is a plus:

  • Experience with Nginx
  • Experience with Peertube
  • Your opinion on Covid jabs

We're seeking an additional JS Developer to join us who can prove at least 6 years of professional Javascript experience. If you've seen our Hive-Tube software (a plugin for Peertube) then you have an idea what we need some help with. This job position entails helping us build out and maintain Hive-Tube, as well as helping out with a similar new product we have in Dev. Easy-peezy, right? :)

This is a long-term job, and will be mostly your code on the new product (we know it's no fun sifting through another guy's code). This job will employ you immediately, and we're very flexible on hours that you can commit as well as the timezone in which you live. Our Dev Teams are located all over the planet, and upon being hired, we'll introduce you to many of them in our Matrix chat room below (we dumped Telegram).

If you are qualified, please ping kenCode in http://agorise.chat with your github link and to setup your interview.

Please Re-blog this post to help spread the word, and THANK YOU! 💪😃

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