Save Water-Save Life

Hello Hive family. Today I have decided to talk about one of the major issues our world is facing that is water crisis.
Water covers 70% of Earth and this is why most of the people think that it will always be plentiful for survival of life. However this is definitely not the case, Freshwater, the water we drink, use in cooking, use for bathe and use in irrigation of our crops is extremely rare, it's 3%. 2/3 of which is tucked away in glaciers or is not available for we do not have access to it.


Water is one of the most essential things for the survival and sustainability of life on this planet and it's scarcity has already started to affect every continent.-Global Water Crisis


Some 1.1 billion do not have access to freshwater and around 2.7 billion find it scarce and have to compromise to the quality of water as a result many of fatal diseases like cholera have taken the death toll to a higher number.


We have contaminated our water with human and industrial waste including fertilizers and chemicals. The industrial pollutants have further intoxicated the usable water.It has long-term impacts as it produces enumerable diseases.
At the current consumption rate the situation will get worse in near future. Rivers, lakes and ponds are either drying up or getting too polluted to be used


Probable Steps

  1. We firstly need to spread awareness about how valuable water is and wasting water is equivalent to wasting life.
  2. Find other alternatives for the chemical wastes of industries other than throwing it in water
  3. Build more refineries and filtration plants to enhance the quality of drinking water.
  4. Build dams to conserve water because almost 60% of our water is wasted because of our inefficiency in storing it.

Thank you Hiveans. Much Love.

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