Kevwe at 21🎊

I started writing this in August. Actually, July ending.
The end of my 2nd decade and the beginning of the 3rd, was really characterised with a lot of "firsts."

Allow me share some of those firsts with you;
• First time on a plane.
• First time travelling by air within Nigeria.
• First time travelling outside Nigeria.
• First time in Europe.
• First time in Russia.
• First time in St. Petersburg.
• First time learning a new language.
• First time experiencing winter, spring, summer and autumn.
• First time building a snow man.
• First time eating borscht soup (a Russian traditional soup).
• First time eating buckwheat, bulgur wheat, and pearl barley wheat.
• First time eating lentils, duck meat, pork.
• First time baking chocolate and vanilla cakes by myself.
• First time baking butter cookies.
• First time cooking akara and moimoi(bean pudding) by myself.
• First time getting someone filled with the Holy ghost.
• First time praying in tongues for five hours at a stretch.
• First time seating down to learn God's word for over six hours at a stretch.
• First time being part of a healing outreach and working a healing miracle.
• First time expressing the gifts of the spirit; word of knowledge, word of wisdom, prophecies, interpretation of tongues.
• First time doing a 2D illustration.
• First time creating a blog, 'Moments with Kevwe.'
• First time knowing what it means to actually be part of a church family.
• First time meeting people and having friends from different parts of the world, (Ethopia, Congo, Colombia, Ghana, Uzbekistan, Yemen, Kazakhstan, Syria, Brazil, Germany, UK, Russia, Zimbabwe, Madagascar, the list goes on.)
• First time playing Jenga.
• First time playing chess.
• First time playing charades.
• First time going on a night boat ride.
• First time eating peaches, plums and strawberries.

It feels almost as though, life started for me at age 20😂😂. Now, I am 21 and I know there's more to come. I'm really excited about this birthday anniversary.

How my today began. My roommates and friends threw me a surprise😊❤🎊.

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