A musical Royal Route to HiveBeeCon!


Sombor, Serbia (2022)

This year has begun with a "travel" activity that does not seem to stop. On January 1, my son, my husband and I started a road trip along the coast of Andalucía where we visited Almería, Málaga, Tarifa, Cádiz and Huelva. After that, we crossed to Portugal where my best friend also accompanied us. Lisbon, Nazaré and Porto were our destinations. On almost every trip we meet some Hivers, which has also happened in Portugal. My friend was almost in shock: you meet people you only know through Hive?

Oh yeah. We do that. We also met a Hiver and his dogs in Italy last year, as well as other Hive people from Serbia (both last year and this year). In Spain, we greeted a Hiver from France and another from The Netherlands when they came to spend their holidays on the Spanish coast.

That's great, isn't it? :))

My husband went last year to HiveFest in Amsterdam, but I didn't make it. Now I am heading to the #HiveBeeCon! 😎

As you may already have seen, this little meetup will be held in Krakow, Poland.
I think it was not planned to happen as a big meetup but people are joining. So cool! I am responsible for at least one Hiver who {his words}: was forced by me to join. And I also made my husband not hesitate at all. We wanted to travel somewhere anyway as if it was not enough journeys for this year 😂. Our south Spain travel, Portugal, France, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Hungary for 2023. And Madrid, but it was just my journey for work. Poland will be added to the list. But what is more important in this travel is meeting other people from Hive! It would be cool to meet also some other people who can't make it to Krakow but maybe next time? 😉


This photo was taken in Belgrade (2022). I will probably do the same in Krakow 😁

For our Royal Route to The Kingdom, we have bought the plane tickets and sorted out the accommodation in the Old Town in Krakow. We will fly with Ryanair, with the basic tariff. Just hand language - and the size is tricky: 40 x 20 x 25 cm. None of our little suitcases, backpacks, or bags match these measures. Well, one backpack is okay but we had to buy today another one that could serve. I hope it will be enough, two backpacks like this from the photo, and in case we have more stuff we can always buy an additional piece of luggage. However, we will try to travel light.


I have to put my music scores too, as... maybe I will play the piano there. The agenda was officially announced here, with interesting workshops, sweetened maybe with chocolate and for sure with an excursion to the Wieliczka Salt Mine. :))

I was not sure about the weather in Krakow so I bought warm shoes that I will probably leave at home, as the forecast is more positive than I thought. Well, I can travel to some colder places during the winter, just because of my new, warm footwear haha!

! [warm footwear]IMG_20230927_122104.jpg

I also found a jacket I usually wear during the winter. (Spanish winter is not the same cold as in other, northern European countries). That was funny as I found 50€ in the inner pocket!! Yay!

I already spent it 😂

My Route to HiveBeeCon also implies piano studying 🎶🎶🎶🎶, so dear Hivers, I should go now and play my piano. If you are somewhere close to Poland and want to join the meetup on October 7, feel free to check out Invitation Post. See you there :)


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