Hola hermanos de hive saludos. Hay escritores que han hecho letras donde se inspiran en las familias, los hijos, la travesía que una pareja vive para sacar adelante la familia y con tanto amor y las destrezas para que no les falte nada hasta su crecimiento y que se les llegue el tiempo de hacer su vida ya fuera de la responsabilidad de sus padres. Esta hermosa letra y melodía EL ARTISTA, en estilo de vals escrito por el peruano José Escajadilla. Una muy bonita intención de dar a demostrar el amor verdadero y humanizado por una pareja, donde no les importó las carencias ni falta de las más importantes cosas de la vida para mantenerse juntos. Iniciando un amor solos y por su puesto con su música y luego formando su familia pero que como ley de la vida los hijos crecen y se van, quedando nuevamente solos pero amándose hasta el fin de sus días. Un título muy apropiado para un artista darle vida a una historia de amor..

Hello brothers and sisters of hive greetings. There are writers who have made lyrics where they are inspired by families, children, the journey that a couple lives to move forward the family and with so much love and skills so that they do not lack anything until they grow up and the time comes for them to make their lives outside the responsibility of their parents. This beautiful lyrics and melody EL ARTISTA, in waltz style written by the Peruvian José Escajadilla. A very nice intention to demonstrate the true love and humanized by a couple, where they did not care about the shortages or lack of the most important things in life to stay together. Starting a love alone and of course with their music and then forming their family but as a law of life children grow up and leave, being alone again but loving each other until the end of their days. A very appropriate title for an artist to give life to a love story...


Memory brings back our old history,

if you will, a little outdated;

I only offered you in my humble list,

my uncertain position as an artist.

Nothing of greatness: tenderness and poverty,

things that were not going to fill the table...

And so you loved me, with no other parchments

than this my guitar, and my great affection.

And today that our children are no longer children

and go off looking for their own destiny,

I just realize that...

We are getting lonely, old woman!

alone like the day we got married.

Give me my guitar, I want to sing to you

like the first day, when you loved me


Original SONG:


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