Dios comprende tus lagrimas/ God understands your tears

Siguiendo con la temática de himnos cristianos, a continuación presento este himno que se llama Dios comprende tus lagrimas.
Es un canto que escuche algunas años atrás, interpretado por Junior Kelly Marchena, Ady Robledo entro otros cantantes cristianos.

Continuing with the theme of Christian hymns, I present this hymn called God understands your tears.
It is a song that I heard some years ago, interpreted by Junior Kelly Marchena, Ady Robledo among other Christian singers.

Comparto la letra de este himno tomada de

Preguntas tú,
Por que lagrimas ves caer?
Sufriendo estas,
Y no lo puedes soportar,
Dios siempre a tu lado esta,
Y no te dejara,
Dios siempre comprende,
Tus lágrimas,

Te cuidara,
Cuando herida tu alma esta,
En ha de caer,
Y a tu lado el siempre esta,
Contigo siempre llora el,
Y te ayuda a vencer,
Dios siempre comprende,
Tus lágrimas,

Pruebas siempre habrá,
Y lagrimas vendrán,
Cuando el dolor,
Va oprimiendo el corazón,
Jesús a tu lado esta,
El cura tu llorar,
Dios siempre comprende,
Tus lágrimas

Te cuidara,
Cuando herida tu alma esta,
El ha de caer,
Y a tu lado,
El siempre esta,

Contigo llora el,
Te ayudara a vencer,
Dios siempre comprende,
Tus lágrimas,

Contigo llora el,
Y ayuda a vencer,
Dios siempre comprende,
Tus lágrimas.

I share the lyrics of this hymn taken from

You ask,
Why do you see tears falling?
Suffering you are,
And you can't bear it,
God is always by your side,
And will not leave you,
God always understands,
Your tears,

He'll take care of you,
When your soul is wounded,
He will take care of you,
And he is always by your side,
With you he always cries,
And helps you to overcome,
God always understands,
Your tears,

Tests will always come,
And tears will come,
When the pain,
Goes oppressing the heart,
Jesus is at your side,
He heals your weeping,
God always understands,
Your tears

He will take care of you,
When your soul is wounded,
He will fall,
And by your side,
He is always by your side,

With you he cries,
He will help you to overcome,
God always understands,
Your tears,

With you he cries,
And help you to overcome,
God always understands,
Your tears.

Comparto la versión de Ady Roblero

I share Ady Roblero's version of the story.

Y ahora la versión de Junior Kelly Marchena de la cual me he guiado siempre ya que es una voz acorde a mi timbre de voz.

And now Junior Kelly Marchena's version of which I have always been guided by since it is a voice according to my voice timbre.

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