The first Donation (with proof) Has Been Made!!

ltc donation sept 23.jpeg

I have donated to the Open Medicine Foundation using funds from my main account @cryptounicorn420

At the time the donation was worth just over $20 .I withdrew .32 LTC minus the fee. Net amount after fee. 0.3175836 LTC. Next time I will probably give it a little more of a buffer to cover the fee

Here is the transaction info from Hive-engine

Here is also the block explorer from LTC.

LTC block explorer

For this round I did not set up a separate LTC address. I'm very sick and did not have the energy. It was not necessary though as I can send the donations directly by withdrawing the swap.hive directly to OMF's payment processor address.

This post is gonna be short and sweet as I am really struggling right now, but wanted to post this so people have proof I am doing what I say I am .

Thanks everyone for your support.

Please check out the "spoonies unite" community on Hive. All those with chronic illnesses or allies are welcome. Posts can be general topics too, not necessarily about chronic illnesses.

Catch y'all later

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