Żeby bookclub był popularny, czyli nowe spotkanie konfraterni


The last meeting of the Konfraternia was held without our president @justynao, and as such not much was done. However, thanks to the amazing help of @pocichu, we've hidden some postcards in various places at Rajska and in the hall of Księgarnia Akademicka. At Rajska, we've been told that to leave postcards in the open we first need to obtain a grant from the advertisement department, that by the time was already closed (it closes at 17.00).

Tomorrow, the voting for the next book will terminate and the results be known. I do sponsor a new meeting of the Konfraternia any time soon, to think of new ideas and to advertise the meeting of February 11th in the usual way.

I invite the president and the other members of the Konfraternia (my list now includes @hallmann, @wawrzyniec, @pocichu, @szmulkberg, @margrzeta, @wayward-dreams. Am I missing someone?) to propose a day for the meeting. This time around, I will create a new post for the meeting itself. Hopefully it will help to make the Konfraternia meetings more popular as well.

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