KBK Bookclub Introductory Post


I finally published an introductory post on @przeczytaj to summarise what the bookclub is, when it meets and how it operates. I have used a frequently-asked-question style, for simplicity (or maybe because I am not good at writing long articles). I welcome your feedback on that. Particularly if you think there are other information I should add there.

The post can now be used to advertise the bookclub, by sharing it on other social media platforms (@justynao already volunteered, thank you!) or by mentioning it on the postcards, as I suggested in my previous post.

I encourage you to join me in the effort of writing invitations on the back of postcards, otherwise it is even too obvious that a weirdo is trying to lure strangers, albeit in a fashionable way. The true meaning of LPA cannot be concealed for long, alas

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