Bardzo udane spotkanie Konfraterni


Thanks to the new president of the Konfraternia (@justynao), yesterday the meeting of the Konfraternia Przyjaciół Book Clubu was extremely successful! We managed to do, in one single evening, more than it was done in months under my presidency. What a change! Thank you!

We had a record attendance: @justynao, @hallmann, @wawrzyniec, Kasia (what's your Hive? I forgot), @szmulkberg, @margrzeta, @wayward-dreams, as well as Ada and Patryk.

Here's what we've done and what we're planning to do next:

  1. We have prepared a bunch of postcards to promote the bookclub at libraries (or other cultural places). I have received a lot of proposals for places where we should leave them. But I cannot remember all of them. You can write such places in the comments so that your ideas do not get lost.
  2. I propose organising a "Konfraternia day-out" in the new year to visit different libraries/places and distribute the postcards we've prepared. I will post something in the next weeks.
  3. The newly-elected president has created a Facebook meeting event (here). Feel free to share it around!
  4. We've also created a template for Instagram stories that @hallmann can populate and publish on the @krolestwo instagram account.
  5. I remind you that we have an ever-green Hive page detailing what the Bookclub is at @przeczytaj. You are warmly encouraged to share that page on your social media, to be even more accepted as member of the Konfraternia!
  6. I have reiterated my crazy idea, that is to find a very old CRT monitor and prepare a old-style movie to advertise the bookclub. Something resembling old (and mute) black-and-white movies of the 1920s:
  • 6.a. The first thing we would need would be the television set itself. It could be bought on Allegro (I am happy to contribute up to 200zł for this), or (even better) some of your relatives may have one collecting dust at home. We would be rescuing it for the greater good.
  • 6.b. Once we have a television set, we would need to think of a sort of TV-ad for the Bookclub. Any idea is welcome! Even though I would awfully prefer shooting on analogue film, I think economically-wise (alas) shooting on digital makes more sense. We shall see.
  1. @margrzeta proposed to add a QR code to our postcards (instead of a written link). Although I initially dismissed the idea thinking that thee written link should not be too much of a hindrance, I am now reconsidering it. We could print a number of small QR-code adhesives that we can attach to postcards (as well as to some other random places). This would very much be in the style of @krolestwo. Here you go:


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