It is a Sublime and Beautiful Sunday

This post is for #SublimeSunday by @c0ff33a
#BeautifulSunday is hosted by @ace108.

Sundays are a good day to show the beauty of our world. This week I chose to share photos of these gorgeous lilies that are blooming right now. All the photos were taken in town, because out here in the woods lilies are a favorite food of the local deer herd and they usually get eaten off before they have an opportunity to bloom.

The genus Lilium has more than a 100 species, 2000 varieties and a considerable amount of hybrids which can be classified into nine ‘divisions’. source

I won't even begin to guess what kind of lilies these are, but will content myself with enjoying their beauty and, in many cases, their lovely smell.

Hope you enjoyed all these lovely lilies as much as I did. I do appreciate the gardeners who choose to grow them and make our world a prettier place to be!

Happy Sunday!

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