August Account Growth

Hi fellow Hiveians,


Here's a picture of my lowest resource credits since I probably joined Hive (steem) 2+ years ago! lol love claiming free account creation tokens with my hive power! I always try to stay as far away from 100% resource credits as I can!


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So the month of August was a bit of a slower month for me I think. Can be pretty evident given that we are often busy in the summer and trying to do a lot of things besides posting here on Hive! In typical fashion though, I've procrastinated a bit on this particular post lol.

One thing I've noted is my curation APR has gone down! Ahh! I'm not too worried about it though, I'm just glad that I haven't gone down below 1 curation HP per day. I'm very often close to or over 2 which is great! I'm looking forward to the day where I'm saying that I'm never under 2.


Was still nice to see the steady climb of my hive power in the month! I think 180 hive is an all time high for me as far as author rewards so that was awesome! I also had a solid day in the middle of August where I made a bunch of hive! That's pretty cool.


Looking at my curation, I am liking that I have a few posts at over 300% efficiency in my curation. I also gave out 7.5$ in votes with my meager little votes. If that's not awesome I don't know what is! I’m hoping I don’t see a significant dip in September, I’ve been pretty wiped out lately so I’ve gone down on my curation and engaging game lately.


Not sure why I grabbed this specific screenshot, maybe to highlight one of my good curation hauls but it's not my best one of the week, oh well lol



Let's see what it looks like when using the PeakD interface. I still enjoy the different ways they visualize the data!

Yikes we can definitely see my drop in curation for the beginning of September lol oops. Still decent I think!


Here’s some more consistent spikes in hive power rewards that I’ve been getting. It’s got to do with me doing more posting but also with me posting content that gets some decent attention like my data visualization posts. Those have decent receivership! Very much appreciated so I can get more for my curation initiatives!


This is one hell of a pie chart that I like to see. Lots of votes to lots of different people! I think this is my best spread over a months time. Liking the diversity!


I’m so close to hitting 40 replies in a day! Hopefully I can cross that barrier at some point soon. Still keeping my posts to 1 or less a day. I don’t see the need for my interests, to post more than once a day unless on a rare occasion.


If you check out the PeakD website, let me know what one of your stats is! One that I like to see is the outgoing votes, let’s see who’s got a lot of diversity in their voting habits!

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