SplinterForge.io Alpha Set Common Card Details!

For those of you wondering what cards are available in CRATEs for your SplinterForge.io heroes, this post will display every common card that will be available in the current alpha set of CRATEs.

Note: 10 of these items are currently available in CRATES, the other four will not be available in CRATEs until the airdrop milestones have been reached. See the pre-sale details post for more information on the airdrops.

Common Weapons

Wizard Weapon

Warrior Weapon

Ranger Weapon

Common Offhand Items

Wizard Offhand


Warrior Offhand


Ranger Offhand


Common Armor Items





Airdrop Milestones

All items shown below will be available in CRATEs only after the corresponding airdrop milestones are reached for CRATE sales.

Common Worn Iron Helm in CRATES after legendary helm airdrop at 200,000 CRATE sold.


Common Worn Hearty Cloak in CRATES after legendary cloak airdrop at 400,000 CRATE sold.


Common Worn Hearty Necklace in CRATES after legendary cloak airdrop at 600,000 CRATE sold.


Common Worn Agile Ring in CRATES after legendary cloak airdrop at 800,000 CRATE sold.


Increasing Hero Stats

All of these cards will be important to obtain to increase your hero stats. All rarity cards lower than legendary can be re-forged into cards of higher rarity by burning forigum using the re-forge feature.

When you reforge cards, there is a 10% chance to receive a gold foil version of a card of the next rarity level. For example, reforging 4 commons into a single rare gives you a 10 % chance to receive a rare gold foil item. Gold foil equipment provides a bonus to FORGE combat rewards when equipped

Here is an example from the test server of how your hero stats can improve as you level up your equipment cards and add sockets and gems.


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