White Wedding 🥰💖


I was hesitating - to share, or not to share. But they look so happy at the pictures, making me smile everytime I look at them.

Besides, your happiness only grows when you share it. ❤ And I was happy to be a part of their big day. To see her grandparenth sming through tears of joy. The lived to see this. I hope to become a grandmather too, one day. I never thought I would say this. Looks like I also got to the next level.

The weather was so nice in the morning, but it started raining after midday. My daughter, like the rest of the girls, wanted beautiful photos to remember the day. And you know, as for me, the rain just added some charm. Lights, reflections...

They had white umbrellas and plaids for those who got cold. My raincoat, which I grabbed for another occasion, came in handy, as well as my favorite pink umbrella.

I wish the rain would be the biggest trouble on their long journey. Parenth wish they could protect their children from all evil as the world is not always fair and good to us. But it's impossible. All we can is to teach them to cope with miafortunes of life themselves. And to believe in themselves as we believe in them. They must find their own recipe of how to ve happy. And we can just be here when they need us.

I am so much grateful for .... this chance. For they all are safe and sound. For we can get togwther with my family and all dear people and share our joy. We all wish the war would end but learned to appreciate what we have and to be thankful for it to the God and our AF.

That's all. Thank you for your time and support, and let you have lots of beautiful moments to share with us. 😉

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