Cousins | Dannah & Avery


Are you a One Direction fan? I love most of their songs, but one in particular stands out as my favorite from their band: "Night Changes" (alongside "Little Things"). I just love the lyrics in that song.

"We're only getting older, baby."
And I've been thinking about it lately.
Does it ever drive you crazy?
Just how fast does the night change?"


Time really flies. Looking at these adorable kids, it's hard to believe how much Dannah and her cousin Avery have grown. It feels like just yesterday they were little babies. Now, seeing them like this just makes me happy, sad, and excited all at the same time.


This photo was taken only two years ago when we visited Suluan Island. Look at how small and cute they were, playing in the waves on the shore.


I'm grateful that Dannah has a cousin around her age. Growing up together with cousins is so much fun. For me, it's like having constant friends who can come over anytime. I'm glad they are close friends too.


I can't wait to see these two amazing girls grow up and explore the world. I'm excited for what they will be and what they are about to accomplish and which ever paths they take, I'll just be here to support them.

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