August a month of good news


Hi Liketu friends, the month is ending and I have to accept that August has been a month of good news, where life has given me a niece, who apparently will be the last member of the Marín family.

So her arrival has brought a lot of joy to my life. I was also able to see my oldest son whom I had not seen for more than two years and finally we met as a family and he returned home and although he went back home to continue with his life and charting his own destiny, he had the opportunity to be reunited with his younger siblings.

During this month I was able to make improvements in my home and advance in my professional growth as a future Magister. It has been a very busy month of new experiences that I would like to share with you today.

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Agosto un mes de buenas noticias
Hola amigos de Liketu, ya finaliza el mes y tengo que aceptar que agosto ha sido un mes de buenas nuevas, dónde la vida me ha dado una sobrina, quien por lo visto será la última integrante de la familia Marín.
Así que su llegada ha traído mucha alegría a mi vida. También pude ver a mi hijo mayor a quien no veía desde hace más de dos años y finalmente nos encontramos en familia y volvió a su casa y aunque volvió a ir a continuar con su vida y trazando su propio destino, tuvo la oportunidad de reencontrarse con sus hermanitos más pequeños.
Durante este mes pude hacer mejoras en mi hogar y avanzar en mi crecimiento profesional como futura Magister. Ha sido un mes muy movido y de experiencias nuevas que hoy les quiero compartir.

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