Around the world: Challenge #46/4 "A view to the mountains"


Hello everybody! It's been a while since my last participation in the ATW contest and a lot has happened. Now I live in another country so unfortunately I won't be showing any more photos of Cuba, but instead I'll be showing you a bit of Brazil, my new home, so yay!

(Here's the link to the contest if you want to check it out)

I took this photo from my balcony, it is in the city of CorupĆ” in the state of Santa Catarina, that's in the south of Brazil. I love the view, it's a great feeling to wake up and see the mountains so close, sometimes they are covered with clouds and it's beautiful. I took this photo in the afternoon, you can see the different shades of green due to the shadows of the clouds. I find this super relaxing, I just stay there for a while and look at the mountain, trying to get every single detail I can.

This is such a calm city, everyone is so nice, I'm really loving it here. The houses are very nice and most of the streets are paved with cobblestone, making it even more special. I hope you enjoyed the picture, see you in the next post šŸ¤—.

The photo was taken with my Samsung Galaxy S9 phone.

Thanks for reading!

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