Paseo improvisado [Esp-Eng]


Un paseo improvisado. Asi es. Asi es como me gustaba salir un fin de semana. Algo no planeado.
Un sabado estuve en mi departamento y comence a llamar a amigos y amigas. Era la tarde de un sabado y llame a Yani. Le dije que tenia ganas de ir a tomar un helado a Puerto Madero y que la invitaba. Ella sorprendida penso que era una broma. Y no, le dije que en una hora y media estaba alli y que ibamos a ir a pasear por esa parte nueva de la ciudad.
Ella acepto y a la hora y media ya estaba en la puerta de su casa.
Caminamos y paseamos por muchos sitios y como le habia prometido, comimos un rico helado frente al dique 5.
Yani unos años despues termino siendo compañera de trabajo mia, pero ya teniamos una amistad desde antes.
Asi es como me movia con mis amigos. Los llamaba por telefono, les ofrecia un plan y si aceptaban, ibamos. Y si no aceptaban, llamaba a otra persona.
Lo que mas les gustaba a todos es que no era planeado, sino espontaneo. 😎

An improvised walk. That's how it is. That's how I liked to go out on a weekend. Something unplanned.
One Saturday I was in my apartment and I started calling friends. It was a Saturday afternoon and I called Yani. I told her that she wanted to go have ice cream in Puerto Madero and that I invited her. Surprised, she thought it was a joke. And no, I told her that in an hour and a half she would be there and that we were going to go for a walk in that new part of the city.
She accepted and within an hour and a half she was already at the door of her house.
We walked and strolled through many places and as she had promised, we ate a delicious ice cream in front of Dam 5.
Yani ended up being my co-worker a few years later, but we already had a friendship before.
That's how she moved me around with my friends. She called them on the phone, offered them a plan and if they accepted, we would go. And if they didn't accept, he called someone else.
What everyone liked most is that it was not planned, but spontaneous. 😎

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