#Index4Index Daily Inspired Motivation: K.I.S.S - Keep It Simple and Successful - GaiaYoga Gardens, Lower Puna, Far East Big Island, Hawai'i - Friday, October 21, 2022


This post is my ongoing daily participation in @jongolson's fantastic Index4Index Initiative. Read his post, and get yourself involved!

For today's Index4Index Daily Inspired Motivation I felt inspired to focus on the potency of simplicity. With that in mind, I share six quotes with you this morning that spoke to me, by Bruce Lee, Leonardo Da Vinci, Robin S. Sharma, John Maeda, Austin Freeman, and Hans Hofmann, that all express clearly the power of simplicity in our endeavors.

"Simplicity is the key to brilliance." - Bruce Lee

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." - Leonardo Da Vinci

"Simplicity is the trademark of genius. - Robin S. Sharma

"Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful." - John Maeda

" Simplicity is the soul of efficiency." - Austin Freeman

"Ths ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak." - Hans Hofmann

We've all heard of the acronym K.I.S.S., which usually means Keep It Simple, Stupid, or if you'd like to say it in a more positive manner, Keep It Simple and Smart. Given how strongly simplicity correlates with success, however, I'd suggest Keep It Simple and Successful.

I've been aware for years now of the sheer beauty, elegance, efficiency, and potency of simplicity, and I've strived in my own life and goals to keep things as simple as possible. So much of my life has been simplifying everything over time; removing anything and everything without purpose or meaning.

My other technological love, aside from Hive, is Arch Linux, and the whole focus of that utterly amazing community project is simplicity - to add nothing unnecessary, which allows its users to add whatever they want to their system, and mold it into whatever they see fit. Absolute brilliance. I want to get another computer (my laptop died more than a year and a half ago) mostly so that I can dive back into Arch Linux. No other computer operating system can compare for me, and that is in large part because of is coherent, very functional simplicity.

The most powerful and beautiful things, across all domains, are invariably the simplest. Even apparently complex structures and patterns in Nature are all based on very simple principles. Have you noticed how complexity, especially in the human domain creates stress (distress) in our minds and bodies, whereas simplicity creates a feeling of ease and relaxation? That is very significant, and suggests that there is something far deeper and larger to this concept of simplicity than meets the eye.

So in your goals, and on your paths to success, keep it simple and smart my friends. Do not bog yourselves and your life energy down with unneeded complexity. Simplicity is key. 🗝️ Simplicity is king. 👑

Remember, dear friends, that we are all in this together, that we rise by lifting others, and that together we thrive, so onward and upward, joyfully together! 🙏💚⚡💥🔥👣🌱

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