#Index4Index Daily Inspired Motivation: Cultivate Excitement! - GaiaYoga Gardens, Lower Puna, Far East Big Island, Hawai'i - Sunday, January 1, 2023


This post is my ongoing daily participation in @jongolson's fantastic Index4Index Initiative. Read his post, and get yourself involved!

In this first Index4Index Daily Inspired Motivation of the New Year the focus is on cultivating excitement in our daily lives as we work to accomplish our goals. Excitement is a powerful force, both to give us energy, motivation, and impetus each day on our path of success, and to draw interest and support for what we do and what we're creating from those with whom we interact.

"The real secret of success is enthusiasm. Yes, more than enthusiasm, I would say excitement. I like to see men get excited. When they get excited, they make a success of their lives."
- Walter Chrysler 

I've said this before, but it's quite worth repeating - excitement is contagious, and it draws people to us like a magnet. Excitement is when our passion bubbles from every pore on our body, touching and affecting everyone and everything around us, enveloping us and everyone around us in a shared field of can-do exhilaration.

It is possible to bring the whole of our lives into such a domain of joyous excitement for what we do and what we're building, creating, and growing each day. Imagine being so excited for what you are doing in your life that you cannot wait to jump out of bed to start your day! That is the excitement to which I'm referring! That life can be ours, but we must make very conscious and intentional choices to get there. Defining what is most important to us, deciding what we truly want, then making decisions each day that move us closer to that.

What truly excites you the most? What would you jump out of bed in joyful glee to do every day if it were real in your life? Are you willing to make the choices in your life that will make it a reality? You can. At any time. It's never too late. Now is the time!

Remember, dear friends, that we are all in this together, that we rise by lifting others, and that together we thrive, so onward and upward, joyfully together! 😁🙏💚⚡💥🔥✴️✳️❇️👣🌱✨🤙

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