when a cactus is broken...


Hi there! ;)

Sometimes cacti break down, by themselves or by outside force.
Like in Nature... there is a strong wind, the cactus is heavy and tall and it bends, cracks, breaks and falls down on the ground.
The it is buried slowly in the soil (hopefully) by the weather conditions...

Well... in my case I found the clay pot laying on the pine needles under the big tree :)
My first thought was: it was a cat :) because it happened a couple of times... When they pass the fence between neighbors try to find an easy way and they push the smaller/ lighter pots. That's why I put heavier and bigger pots with big, spiky cacti.
San Pedro actually! They have the spirit of a guardian! :)

I love to propagate the magic cacti when they are 2-3-4 years old :)
and they tend to grow faster and bigger with fresh coil and free space in the container :)
I just cut a plastic 2L empty beer bottle, already filled with nice medium, left from avocado seedling, which didn't survived...

The old lower body of the cactus in the clay pot becomes the mother plant with well established roots.
It will sprout/ pop up 1-2 or more babies somewhere on the place of the spikes :)
More often on the top edge.

The top part, which is now in the temporary plastic container will have to root itself.
This is best done just before the winter sleep of theirs (I've noticed!)
The cactus needs to rest for 2-3 months before it can ground itself and show a new growth.
It is possible even in the active season during summer, but you have to keep it in a shaded, cool place.
Then you need to water it a bit.


they'll stop growing when kept inside in the dark and cold place.
please try to be around 5 degree Celsius :)
and make sure its above Zero :)
they can survive freezing for several days (if they're older), because the root is in the soil and it's quite protected...
the healthy cacti can heal and recover themselves from frost, burn and even an early spotted rotting...

HA! this post became so long and tutorial like :)
I'm happy & inspired. Just got pretty high and the joy got flowing & glowing :D

Thanks for visiting my blog!


Grandfather Cactus: The pathway to the heart. Also known as San Pedro, this miraculous plant is the ultimate journey back into the inner child and our nature states of emotional expression. His indigenous roots began in the Andes mountains of Peru and Ecuador, where the Q’ero, Moche, and Chavin cultures revered his mystical, divine masculine qualities and teachings.


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