Patriotic 3D Prints- My Act of Civil Disobedience for the 4th of July!


Happy Independence Day my fellow Americans and all my other fellow Hivers. Some of you may not know what today is for Americans, but it's the celebration of the signing of the Declaration of Independence back in good ole 1776. This was our founding fathers' way of giving the middle finger to England and claiming their independence.

Well, let's fast forward to the hellscape we live in now in 2024, and once again on July 4th, I am taking my independence back from a tyrannical government. I am going back to the original plan and claiming my 2nd Amendment right to bear arms and my natural born human right to defend myself against anything that tries to threaten me. But I am doing this by giving the ATF and all gun control advocates the middle finger and 3D printing up my own gun parts, because FGC (Fuck Gun Control) baby! Now, I know that some of you on Hive don't agree with the whole American gun thing, but let me tell you what, I have been in positions that it was much better that I had one instead of needing one... Just saying... That and the way the government and geopolitical landscape is, I am taking control over my family and property protection as well.

But I also just like guns man. I can't help it. Got my first .22LR single shot rifle when I was about 8 years old, which I still have by the way, and fell in love with marksmanship. I am also a hunter. Yes, I love deer meat and I know they are cute little harmless creature, but not so harmless because over population can really mess up your local ecosystem for other animals and plant life. So when you have a large amount of property to care for, it's just resposible to help control the population. But the meat is some of the best you can eat, at least in my opinion. There is no arguing that it's better than any crap you get at the grocery store. So that is why I am building a new rifle, for hunting and defense!

I digress, just had to make that point. But anyway, I just love shooting. It's a skill and a stress relief all at the same time. So in the spirit of being a diobedient, ungovernable patriot, I am making my own tools to get those jobs done. I will be ordering an 80% completed kit from a supplier which doesn't require me to go through all the ID checks and asking permission. I am building a 5.56 caliber rifle first, then I will be building out a .308 version which is a much bigger cartridge and has a much longer range than the very standard 5.56 NATO cartridge used by the military. Actually the .308 is the primary caliber for Marine snipers, so if it works for them, it will work for me, haha.

I also printed up a piece for my pistol that if you know, you know, lol. It actually helps suppress the sound quite well, but it's not like what you hear in the movies, that's all fake anyway. When paired with some .22LR subsonic rounds, it's actually really quiet. I don't have to wear ear protection at all. I have put a couple of the CCI subsonic rounds I have by they are only 710 fps and don't have the power to eject themselves to cycle the round, so I have to do that manually and makes my semi auto, well, not so semi auto, lol. I am going to go hit up Academy Sports and Outdoors and get me some 1050 subsonic CCI bullets and see how it takes those. So paired with some good weed, fun time on the shooting range, and some good farm fresh burgers from my uncle's cows with the family, it's going to be a good holiday!

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