At thé park

I promised for thé kids to take them to thé Park with their friends who are our neighbors too. Because so many times they invited us for dinner in their house. As I wrote it in thé preceding articles . It was my turn to invite ,not for dinner but I took thé children to thé park . My friend was busy so I went only with my kids and hers.
Arrived there, at the entrance of thé Park , I can see a way , not bad with trees on each side.




It was almost night, but children enjoyed to bé out at this Time .I share with you thé sunset in thé park , unusual to see it here , I took a picture for thé sunset.


A little far , we saw monument wich looks like a cave. We go there and we started to explore it , look how it was , for sure it was built in order to attract visitors, it is not bad, we liked it so much. Hère are some photos.


Thé entrance , really it looks like thé entrance of a real cave


We walked inside ,I found this window if we can call it liké that, it is nice,and thé sound of thé water is great.


From thé exit of thé cave, we can see this big dinosaur.


And I saw this water wich looks like a real waterfalls , just amazing


We saw another dinosaur in thé distance. All thèse dinosaurs remind me thé movie of Jurrassic Park, perhaps Steven Spielberg built it , I don't think so , just for laugh.


After Jurrassic Park , we go to play with thé machines , return to civilization. They spent time there, enjoyed to play all together.




When we get out of machines room, it was late, they saw little far this merry go round.


Thé kids wanted to go there to play but it was too late, time to go home.
For sure thé kids enjoyed thé day , and want to come back sooner. I was happy too because I was with them and they enjoyed thé outing.
I promised them to come back after thé exams. I hope you have appreciated with us thé outing to the park.

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