Doodle 005: Snails and HP


Hello, friends at #HIVE, have you ever thought about snails? Yes, those little creatures that seem so slow and lazy. But did you know that they are capable of traveling great distances despite their slow gait?

Hola, amigos en #HIVE. ¿Alguna vez has pensado en caracoles? Sí, esas pequeñas criaturas que parecen tan lentas y perezosas. Pero, ¿sabías que son capaces de recorrer grandes distancias a pesar de su lento andar?

Recently, I started my adventure in Hive. My main goal is to increase my HP, gain more voting power and support the projects that have helped me on my journey. Sometimes, I feel slow as a snail. I’m about to reach the first 100, but I’m still about 10 short. At times like that, frustration can set in. However, I always remember that progress in life is usually slow. And slow progress is better than no progress at all.

Hace poco, comencé mi aventura en Hive. Mi objetivo principal es aumentar mi HP, ganar mayor poder de voto y apoyar a los proyectos que me han ayudado en mi camino. A veces, me siento lento como un caracol. Estoy a punto de alcanzar los primeros 100, pero aún me faltan unos 10. En momentos así, la frustración puede aparecer. Sin embargo, siempre recuerdo que el progreso en la vida suele ser lento. Y es mejor un progreso lento que ningún progreso.

That’s why I created #dailydoodles. In this space, I always mark my rewards as 100% HP. It’s a place where, through my doodles, I keep a journal of progress and emotions. A place that encourages me and all who read it to keep going.

Por eso, creé #dailydoodles. En este espacio, siempre marco mis recompensas como 100% de HP. Es un lugar donde, a través de mis garabatos, llevo un diario de progreso y emociones. Un lugar que me anima a mí y a todos los que lo leen a seguir adelante.

Remember, every little step we take brings us closer to our goals. As always, thank you for reading me. I appreciate all comments, whether they are supportive, critical or advice. So, please don’t stop writing to me. Catch you soon. And remember, let’s keep moving forward, even if it’s at a snail’s pace. Bye!

Recuerda, cada pequeño paso que damos nos acerca más a nuestras metas. Como siempre, gracias por leerme. Aprecio todos los comentarios, ya sean de apoyo, críticas o consejos. Así que, por favor, no dejes de escribirme. Nos leemos pronto. Y recuerda, sigamos adelante, aunque sea al ritmo de un caracol. ¡Chau!

Translated with (free version)
I apologize if there are any grammatical errors, English is not my native language, I have tried to be as careful as possible.
I regularly create images on Pixabay, which are free of copyright. Access my gallery by clicking here.
All assets, illustrations and banners have been created by me and are original content, unless otherwise specified.

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