Obelisco de Barquisimeto


No me van a creer. Pero he venido muchas veces a Barquisimeto y es la primera vez que vengo al Obelisco. Siempre le pasaba por un ladito pero era muy tarde o estaba muy cansada y no me paraba a tomarme fotos. Pero ya lo hice, aprovechando que vine a un Meetup de Liketu que están organizando por acá y que ya les estaré chismeando.

Me encanta encontrarme con amigos y aprovecho de compartir mis fotos con mis adorados @zullyscott, @francysfiore, @lunaticanto, @joheredia, @filioriologo y Camila, por supuesto.

You won't believe me. But I have been to Barquisimeto many times and this is the first time I come to the Obelisco. I always passed by it but it was too late or I was too tired and I didn't stop to take pictures. But now I did it, taking advantage of the fact that I came to a Liketu Meetup that they are organizing here and I will be telling you more about it.

I love meeting friends and I take the opportunity to share my photos with my beloved @zullyscott, @francysfiore, @lunaticanto, @joheredia, @filioriologo and Camila, of course.

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