Toilet finished | The bottle road begins

In a previous post we shared the building of the main structure, but it turned out to be to tall, and sitting there was quite uncomfortable. We decided it was better to have a foot bench and a holder for the bucket instead of modifying the first build.
To do this, @choli cut these slabs the old fashioned way, so that the angled part would go in the middle.
A few unions here and there, the foot holding board and voila, all ready to go.
@choli trying out for comfort and liking it, says her face.
So the basic idea is to put a bucket underneath and drop your what's left of your meals and no longer serves your body. The bucket can have sawdust, ashes or any drying material that you can later compost.
_We also use water which we later take to the place seen in the next photo.

This is the bucket holder so that there isn't so much distance from the sitting spot._
Now, would anyone guess this is a shit deposit? Doesn't look like it, right? Everytime we "flush" the bucket, we cover it with hay or leaves, then when we've got a bit piled up we add some soil.
Moving away from all that crap, we're paving the way to making a bottle road and the first stage was leveling the ground while also leaving it lower than the house.
The tricky part will be building a border to prevent the soil from falling in as we don't have so many wooden boards left to repurpose. But we'll come up with something.

Greetings fellow off gridders and curious people alike. Today we share the toilet that @choli built so that we can finally feel more comfortable while emptying our bowels at our homestead. It is very rustic as you can see, due to having built it from unused wood pieces we had lying around here and there.

The trick for this to be odorless (and it is) is to spread out your deposit as much as possible instead of piling up. Once an area has been there for a while without new income, you can pile it up without risking bad smells. It will be a year though before we can show you any composted soil, due to the cold weather we live in.

Concerning the bottle road, soon we'll start filling it with bottles and it should look great, as well as prevent mud on rainy days.

Thanks for your attention and time, more on our journey to living comfortably in Nature without buying everything 😂 soon.

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