Lost in Paradise: A Day on Lokrum Island


🌴 Exploring Lokrum Island 🏝️

In the heart of Dubrovnik, I was approached by two friendly strangers who invited me on an exciting adventure to Lokrum Island. Little did I know, this enchanting island was a backdrop for Game of Thrones! Though I wasn't a GOT enthusiast at the time, the prospect of discovering an island right in front of Dubrovnik was too enticing to resist. So, I eagerly agreed to join them.

We boarded the morning ship, the ticket serving as our entry to this island paradise. As we disembarked, we eagerly explored the island, searching for the perfect spot to cool off. Our quest led us through a nudist beach where our dressed-up selves drew some curious glances. But at the beach's end, we found a hidden gem – a secluded cove with a captivating cave accessible only by swimming.

Our day was a symphony of laughter and crystal-clear waters. I even swam to other bays and uninhabited areas, reveling in the untouched beauty of the island. Later, we visited a quaint bar for refreshments, then embarked on a hike to explore Lokrum's hidden corners. The old port, seemingly plucked from the Roman Empire, offered another opportunity for a refreshing dip.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, we reluctantly caught the ship back to Dubrovnik. This day on Lokrum Island was an unforgettable, albeit too brief, adventure. 🌅🌊 #LokrumIslandExploration #UnforgettableAdventures #DubrovnikDiaries

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